
Active Member
I noticed it yesterday. It's on the left side of the engine, bolted onto the chassis. It's a small cylinder with a wire coming out, which isn't attached to anything.

I know the pic isn't great but it's in a hard to see place, this is looking upwards from lying underneath.
Its a sure sign of whomever fiddled with your Landy before you had no idea what they were doing.

Its a condenser.. bit of an odd placement, belongs on the distributor, its a cap sends a condensed spark to points on start up. Remove it.
Looks like a condenser... but whatever it was condensing before, it don't look like it's doing it now???
I thought it might be a condenser but it isn't anywhere near the distributor so I thought it must be something else. Thanks all.
Where does the end of the wire go? It's possible that someone might have fitted it as a suppressor of some sort to keep interference out of a radio.
As its near the exhaust (and alternator/dynamo) I expect it was to remove interference from that source.

Ignore it now - unless you get engine speed related interference - more grinding than buzz from the ignition.

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