I think you will be wasting your time taking it to an indy.
I would ring Turner engineering to see what they would suggest.
I bought all my engine rebuild parts off them and the new turbo so that wouldn't be a problem, but why not the Indy?
I think you will be wasting your time taking it to an indy.
I would ring Turner engineering to see what they would suggest.

This +1.

Plus, I'm sensing that either the bottom end, or head needs a proper detailed rebuild. The easy option is an off the shelf fully rebuilt head from Turners. It's a small'ish price [£570incl'] to pay to pin down the fault area quickly + one could quickly lose this amount paying an Indy just to diagnose.

I bought all my engine rebuild parts off them and the new turbo so that wouldn't be a problem, but why not the Indy?

Because, as pure engine builders, they really know what they're doing and they're great to deal with. Even Frida's known to accurately diagnose engine failure points. The other option would be Glencoyne.

If it was me I'd get the job done, bite the cash bullet and go for it.
Ok, I'm thinking I'm going to have to swallow my pride and take it to my very posh local Indie.

What should I ask for?

Compression test (I've done that myself, but could get a professional opinion)(haven't done it recently)
Leak down test
Crank case vacuum test
Crank case pressure test
All of these?
Anything else?
Obviously I'll say it's because there's oil coming through the turbo.
thought youd removed breather pipe and ran it so eliminating oil from there
I think you will be wasting your time taking it to an indy.
I would ring Turner engineering to see what they would suggest.

i agree with @lynall here if the collective brains and knowledge on this forum cant solve it and you have spent hours methodically going through it yourself mate then @Al203 then i would suggest the local indy is only going to do the same steps but charge you a fortune for it..

Turners are the engine specialist, might be the same price as your expensive Indy but you are getting the very best in their chosen field..
thought youd removed breather pipe and ran it so eliminating oil from there
Yes, I have JM. I'm desperate though and now full of self doubt that I'm doing anything right. Someone a few posts up suggested I take it to a specialist who should know what they are doing better than me. They should have proper test gear too I would have thought. Vacuum and pressure testers etc
This +1.

Plus, I'm sensing that either the bottom end, or head needs a proper detailed rebuild. The easy option is an off the shelf fully rebuilt head from Turners. It's a small'ish price [£570incl'] to pay to pin down the fault area quickly + one could quickly lose this amount paying an Indy just to diagnose.

The head has been tested, new valve guides and new valves fitted by an engine builders up here. That's one thing I can't blame myself for :)
i agree with @lynall here if the collective brains and knowledge on this forum cant solve it and you have spent hours methodically going through it yourself mate then @Al203 then i would suggest the local indy is only going to do the same steps but charge you a fortune for it..

Turners are the engine specialist, might be the same price as your expensive Indy but you are getting the very best in their chosen field..
I just thought they'd have proper kit and get better, more definitive results.
Does this sound familiar...? Hopefully Mike routes out this fault soon...

I could take my cyclone breather off and see what happens, but I've had that blocked off and it still pushes oil through the turbo. I think I've eliminated the possibility of oil coming in through the air inlet, so I think I'm down to the oil only coming via the actual turbo oil feed pipe. :confused:

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