
Active Member
Any air-con gurus out there, or anyone that's removed the air-con from a P38.

Ours is leaking and seems little point in fixing it as we don't use it enough. We are going to Morocco next year so we figured the extra cooling for the engine would be better that the air-con.
so, anyone done it before?
Do I take the air-con compressor off too or leave it on and block the inlet / outlet on the pump or will it knacker running dry.
If i remove it, what's the issue with the reduced belt length / path. obviously i'd need a smaller belt, but what else.
I think removing the air-con rad and fans will give us more air through the engine's rad.

Any advice please.

Cheers everyone.:D
It can get very hot over there and there will be some sweaty pits without A/C. I would fix the leak and keep the air con.
It may be well enough to last the trip to morocco you know, just regas before you go and boom, AC.

Alternatively it's a case of just swap the belt for a non AC vehicle, that will reduce the load from the pump being on the engine, no need to actually remove anything as such, well except the AC rads as they do causes a bit of a blockage but that's not essential and a bit of work.

My personally though I would get a leak dye test done and see whath what, AC is nice...
the ac pump wont run, the clutch wont work, if theres a fault/no gas. Only the pulley turns same as when its turned off.

You could remove the condensor (aircon radiator), pump, pipes etc but have you tried getting it filled with gas first? Usually thats all it takes to fix it :)
as said, clutch wont engage under zero pressure.
kwak fit do a regas for about £30, they do leak test first, automated machine so no need to worry about KF numptys getting it wrong, if theres a leak, or it dunt work after, no charge.
It only takes a pin prick sized hole for all the gas to leak out, you'll never see or hear it so the only way to find it is with a dye test

It's worth getting it fixed as vehicles with working A/C are worth more

If you remove it it'll devalue it as the new owner won't even be able to get it fixed without a lot of work
but getting it checked with a vac test if cheap/free so at least youll know if it actually needs repair, or it just needs a regas.
IIRC 8-10% of gas is lost a year through leeching.

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