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95 4.6 auto 207k
When I first got my P38 she had pink antifreeze
I therefore continued using OAT stuff
I now learn, according to Halrodsm that she should have silicate anti freeze.
What colour is silicate antifreeze?
Can silicate and OAT be mixed?
Should I use silicate?
Thank you for your opinions
If you change then you need to wash the old stuff out until it's 100% clear.
I use the old fashioned stuff that you need to change every couple of years because that's all that was around in the 60s
95 4.6 auto 207k
When I first got my P38 she had pink antifreeze
I therefore continued using OAT stuff
I now learn, according to Halrodsm that she should have silicate anti freeze.
What colour is silicate antifreeze?
Can silicate and OAT be mixed?
Should I use silicate?
Thank you for your opinions
Mine was from Halfords.
use the old fashioned stuff that you need to change every couple of years because that's all that was around in the 60s
I use oat stuff but change it every 3 to 4 years its orange ,,,Its long life but it still breaks down with age ,and looses it rust protection ,apparently..o_O
I stick to the blue stuff in my Classic, coolant change every 2 years. Just had a new Nissens rad. fitted as the Britpart replacement fitted 13 years ago started to pee.
Yup,got the blue for the 1994 4.6 Black Bastid.now gone and for the old tractors ,no longer required.;)

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