seams like your more jammy than me:eek: well glad it came back in one peice, its enough that it came back but... unhurt :eek: thats almost unheard of, glad for u m8
Did they get the theiving ba#*ards in it i hope they did scumbags they need there fingers n legs breaking so they cant use them again i would be glad to do it for anyone that catches anyone in or trying to steal there beloved landy
Found out a bit more. Recovered in Wythenshaw. Had been used for various jobs but then they had decided to sell it - thats when it was found.

I think its well organised - the landy was cloned last year when someone copied the plates and put them on another nicked vehicle- they ran around stealing plant and we got the call from the police! Almost certain its linked.

One thing that is puzzling me - all the locks are intact-even the fuel cap. Some say you can use any landy key to open another, but I think someone had a key. I know landy locks are crap, but are they really that rubbish?

Spending tomorrow installing security post and new locks.

funny you should mention wythenshawe i live there (certainly wasnt me ) i saw a green disco 1 on my street with an ifor williams car trailer shifting a silver car off our road reg was different from the one on the trailer

dark green disco 1 reg w885 --- didnt see the rest but wasnt arf moovin on these narrow streets looked dodgy as **** to me
If you ever catch them a few of us should tie an arm or leg to each of our landys then drive off. A week or so ago I saw a story about a thief who was caught in the act in india or somewhere like that. People grabbed him and tore all his clothes off then tied him to a flag pole. People walking past then spent a day throwing things at him and nobody, not even the police, let him down.
If you ever catch them a few of us should tie an arm or leg to each of our landys then drive off. A week or so ago I saw a story about a thief who was caught in the act in india or somewhere like that. People grabbed him and tore all his clothes off then tied him to a flag pole. People walking past then spent a day throwing things at him and nobody, not even the police, let him down.

wouldnt it be nice the local theives locked in the stocks outside the local nick for people to throw their dogsh1t at while walking past i might write to me local mp about that idea see what he says
They could just put windows on the cells with their crime written on the glass so people can have a wonder down and see who the local thieves are.
funny you should mention wythenshawe i live there (certainly wasnt me ) i saw a green disco 1 on my street with an ifor williams car trailer shifting a silver car off our road reg was different from the one on the trailer

dark green disco 1 reg w885 --- didnt see the rest but wasnt arf moovin on these narrow streets looked dodgy as **** to me

thought the disco 1 stopped at 1998-99 making s or possibly t the latest plate. a w reg d1 would have alarm bells ringing
for future referance your defender has a worn igniton almost any landrover defender key will start it replace your ignition or they willl return theivin ****er always do they have had my 90 twice not very nice when u get your pride anjoy stolen and striped as i have found out
now use a proper disc lock and home made pedal box
They could just put windows on the cells with their crime written on the glass so people can have a wonder down and see who the local thieves are.

In the US there's some judge who makes repeat offenders wear sandwich boards in public places detailing the crime they've committed.

Examples are

One repeat drink driver, an elderly woman, was ordered to stand on an intersection wearing one detailing what her offence was. She had to stand there for 8 hours a day for a week. That was her only punishment for the last offence but it got through to her whereas previous fines etc did not.

A youngster who was a prolific shoplifter had to do the same outside the store where he shoplifted last. IIRC he didn't offend again either.
yea thats great over ther but with the way the goverment has run this country they would of ended up with a five figure sum for the judge abusing ther human rights
don't know if any of you have seen this story about a farmer killed by intruders:

Burglars run over and kill farmer as he tries to chase them away from his home | Mail Online

I saw it posted on another forum, and in the initial mail link it suggests he was run down by the burglars getting away, though this has since been revised. what caught my eye in the article was the comment that the victim was also a mechanic who repaired land rovers, it made me wonder if his or his customer's vehicles were what the thieves were after when you consider the number of land rovers, including mine, which have been stolen from farms. Anyway, the police have now issued updated information, and it seems that Mr Gardiner's defender was taken by the thieves.

BBC News - East Sussex farm 'burglary' victim 'was not run over'
Check the second item down on the list.

Minder Portable Alarms

I was given one of these by the police when my garage got broken into the 2nd time. The 3rd time they did it the alarm which is kept by my bed went off and i caught them red handed. I now have the sensor sitting in my landie now for £25 there a great buy as the thieving bar stewards dont hear the alarm only you.

Just another idea to try and keep our landies safe.
Juicey sadly the bat is the only thing they understand. There just a bunch of fookers for robbing peoples beloveds ,i would be pig sick if mine went. Thinks its time to invest in a clutch claw aswell the more security devices the better i say.

In my area theres a massive spate of landie thefts over the last week. Sorry i wont say what area im from just being cautious hope it doesnt offend anyone.
Juicey sadly the bat is the only thing they understand. There just a bunch of fookers for robbing peoples beloveds ,i would be pig sick if mine went. Thinks its time to invest in a clutch claw aswell the more security devices the better i say.

In my area theres a massive spate of landie thefts over the last week. Sorry i wont say what area im from just being cautious hope it doesnt offend anyone.

The worst thing is, if someone breaks into your Land Rover and you clobber them over the head (quite rightly) and the courts judge you used inappropriate force, you can get into trouble. How :mad:? Surely, anyone breaking into someone else's property forfeits their human rights at that point?

It's completely unfair that our pride and joy's are going missing left right and centre.
The worst thing is, if someone breaks into your Land Rover and you clobber them over the head (quite rightly) and the courts judge you used inappropriate force, you can get into trouble. How :mad:? Surely, anyone breaking into someone else's property forfeits their human rights at that point?

It's completely unfair that our pride and joy's are going missing left right and centre.

sadly the law is quite clear. you may only use just enough force to stop them from taking the landy.

you may not apply enough force to batter them senseless, tow them for miles behind said landy, buy a bag of rock salt and rub it into their now gaping wounds, clingfilm the whole thing together then leave them in a field of corn waiting for the happy sound of a combine harvester.

more's the pity.
bury the evidence, in the dark without an independent witness not a court in land will convict you
We have gone from land who punnished these assholes... to a land who sends them off to an institution to learn how to do it better.

If you want to stop someone stealing your landy... please do so without offending them... upsetting their delicate sensibilities; causing offence or referring to any racial aspect (including gypsy or traveller origins); leaving obstructions that might cause them to injur themselves whil stealing your pride and joy or subjecting themselves to having to view notes, messages or posters that they might find offensive.

As long as you stick to these few rules you you will not invoke the full wrath of the law....

Oh yes... and if they want to **** your firstborn daughetr before they leave...

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