Looks OK to me. I could be wrong but I suspect only one or two companies (probably in China) make these kits and lots of different sellers on ebay market them in their own way hence many different prices for basically the same thing. It would be pretty shocking if units like yours didn't last two years if installed correctly.
Good luck with it and let us know how you get on with changing over the motor.
Looks like any other Chinese made regulator to me. I can't see how one reg would be of better quality than another, as all the regulators are likely made by the same manufacturer in China.
The only bit that fails is the cables, and normally through corrosion, where water enters the door cavity and runs down the cables.
Giving the cables a good coating of grease on fitting, will keep the moisture off and make them last much longer.
I think you're right about China. It has no country of manufacture on it but it does say "Manufactured by ISO 9002". That standard no longer exists and even if it did it's to do with QA not a Company or process.

Cables are already well greased but its a little thin so I'll give it a good slathering in lithium grease before fitting.
Afternoon gents

I'm going to fit this regulator tomorrow but have one last question.

The new regulator has the window in the up position but I think the CCU thinks the window is in the down position.

When I fit the new regulator will I be able to lower the tailgate even though the CCU thinks it's already down?

Or am I overthinking this?

If you disconnect and reconnect the battery with the boot door closed after fitting it the window will recalibrate.
So I fitted this yesterday.

It's pretty straightforward when you get into it. It took about 20 mins to remove the old and fit new, however, adjusting it to get the correct pitch and the glass level through it's entire travel took a further 45 mins or so.

In fact it's still not quite level through its full travel but if the 4 door glass is the same as the 3 door glass then I intend switching it with the one from my SE as I have some u/s heating elements in the 4 door glass.

Making a note of the length of the studs at the bottom of the old runners would have saved some time.


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