Ok should know better by now. Mine is an old 90 SCW, well it is now anyway.

I have front seats and a back with none, I'm wanting to put seats in the back so I can carry peeps in the back and get rid of the centre seat so i stop elbowing my wife in the tit every time I change gear ( she is sitting in the middle, kiddy seat on the pansenger seat)

had looked at the exmoor seats but figure I could hire a car and a driver to take the wife, I'll rephrase that, to drive the wife where ever we are going for the same sort of money.

as such, I have seen the landy provided seats that peeps are talking about and had enquired with the local garage about them, Unfortunatly incompetant baw bag that works there parts depertment could bairly get a sentence together let alone get his head arond the fact that someone might want to retro fit the seats to an old car.

There, I feel better now. Long day.....
Are we talking really little people here? I've got a two year old and a four year old who both love going out in the Landy - but as the only safe place is the front passenger seat, I can only take one at a time!

There was a bloke on here earlier this year who was going to modify a pair of the "standard" forward-facing seats to make them child-safe. I don't know if he ever got it sorted.

I don't know if anyone has successfully retro-fitted the new seats into an old car - but I'd be interested to hear if it's possible. Maybe worth speaking to an independent dealer - they tend to be a bit more useful.

Sorry to come in on this now but how much are the LR seats, what are the part numbers and are these safe to use with childe seats?

Yes that age old discussion of how do I get my kids safly in the back!!!

I spoke to the guys at exmoor trim a couple of weeks ago. They have taken there lock and fold seat off the market to re-engineer it - making it child seat friendly. The new design will be out very shortly.

I dont know if the LR seats are child safe, but i'm very interested in finding out.......
Well I guess there is demand for it and that is why exmoor charge what they do. Will be interested to see what they come out with.

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