
New Member
Hi guys and good evening, so I've put my disco v8 on eBay and had some guy interested in it within a local travelling distance. Thing is he went online and put my car in on a online valuation and said to me it was £600 so would I take £600. So my reaction was, very very shocked and some what angry. My car is all modded up for off roading etc priced at £1500. Does anybody else get people like this trying to seriously "spring" you off. I was fair in saying that We shouldn't go ahead with this any more and he accuses me of being and conman a shark and my vehicle being dodgy even tho I've been on here some time now trying to put niggles with the disco right with the posts I've put.

Just frustrates you when your sincerely selling something. Anybody else ?:confused:
just make another 27 "useful" posts and you'll be able to sell it on here ;)
Its full of them just tell him to do one if he dosnt want to pay what you want for it.

The online valuation site are ****e anyway and as for webuyanycar sites.

I got a valuation off them just for a laugh on a Shogun I need to sell soon and they came up with £22,000.
My local car sales pitch is offering around £25,000.
Quite normal, I've been harassed by people practically foaming at the mouth because I won't sell at the price they want. I'll give you 650.
a lot of breakers will try the silly price game. they will anything to get a good price.
just make another 27 "useful" posts and you'll be able to sell it on here ;)

27 more ooh my, never mind hopefully it will be gone by the 30th post.

Yea there's loads on there I've had trouble before with someone. It's people like them that make me want to delete eBay.
OH I hate eBay and the f-*&wits on it. But you just don't get the same level of interest when using eBid, Gumtree etc.
I spent 15 mins on the phone to eBay yesterday getting some negative feedback removed and a final valuation fee refunded (non UK bidder, I only list for UK and then he complained about the postage).
I sold my car on eBay and bought my defender on there, no hassle apart from daft offers and silly swap offers
Don't take it too personally, this bloke is just a cock. People like this try to pressurise you into believing them so you almost feel like they are doing you a favour in buying it for peanuts. Just ignore them and move on.
What a cock. I sold a Rav4 on ebay, the highest bid was £860 and the guy turned up (from Brum) with, he said, only £750. Then got the hump because I wouldn't let him have it. He then scrounged together another £100 from his mates and was further enraged because by then I wanted the full £860 or nothing. I just said no problem, I'll contact the next highest bidder and report you to eBay as a non-paying bidder. He managed to scrape another £10 in change and left with the right hump.

The stupid thing is I was going to give him £20 as luck money towards his petrol. I obviously didn't.
you have to put up with the fools as there simply isnt anywhere like eBay for exposure. And they know it!
What a cock. I sold a Rav4 on ebay, the highest bid was £860 and the guy turned up (from Brum) with, he said, only £750. Then got the hump because I wouldn't let him have it. He then scrounged together another £100 from his mates and was further enraged because by then I wanted the full £860 or nothing. I just said no problem, I'll contact the next highest bidder and report you to eBay as a non-paying bidder. He managed to scrape another £10 in change and left with the right hump.

The stupid thing is I was going to give him £20 as luck money towards his petrol. I obviously didn't.

What a knob! If they don't want to pay what they bid, then don't bid that amount. Hate it when people try to pressure you like that.
dont get me started in ebay! you advertise things as "scruffy" but good condition with no dents and virtually brand new tyres, then they turn up and moan they dont look like new! look close at the pictures of the thing 1st and thats why they are half the price of the mint ones!
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had someone come to pick up a pajero that id sold on ebay they wouldnt take it as it wasnt shiney enough :doh: it was advertised as a off roader :confused: and the amount of folk who want to swap for there bestest car if its that good why do you want to swap it :D
Don't get me started on the ####nugget who purchased a vehicle battery from me and organised what must have been the ****test courier in history. Then blamed me for the item not being picked up and put in for a refund claiming I hadn't sent the item. Surprise surprise eBay being run by the cocks that it is refunded him, no questions asked. Clearly didn't bother reading what I had written in the case reports but then why would they, its all automated isn't it.

They think they can get that money back off me? They can take a run and jump
When you advertise something as no offers and then people ask;

Whats your best price mate?

Well the best price is the one i put up! if i only wanted half of that for it id have put it up for half that! :doh:
just had one on there now really intrested in your item its just what im after BUT i wont have the money for another month will you hold on to it for me !!!!!!!! in a word NOOOOOOO

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