I had this leak/leaks..So much so that I carried old towels with me so that I could catch the water in BOTH footwells, then when saturated I would throw them out so my interior wouldnt get all moldy.

My footwell leak was three fold..

First, the pollen filter foam gasket and cap were disintegrated and warped causing much ingress onto the filter and then into the fan and onto your feet. Reseal with silicone caulking or similiar.

Second, the coarse foam filter on the middle of the windshield cowl disintegrated and was letting in all kinds of leaves and stuff into the lower cowling area. This accumulation of muck gathered around each of the pollen filter housings and side drains and pooled water on to the lower rubber gasket of the housings. Which leaked, ALOT. Replace center foam filter, clean out leaves and junk, remove both housings to reveal bottom rubber gasket, seal with silicone or similar.

And finally the trickiest one.. the metal sub cowling that is near the bottom of each side of the wind screen and attached to the body of the car. There is a gasket behind this panel that you cannot see until you take it off, and to no surprise, it disintegrates and eventually leaks. Clean everything off well, seal with silicone or similar.

Good Luck
I did all the above and it cured my leaks .
That lower window trim was a bit of a bugger getting back on and flat/straight because I bent it when getting it off .
Hi all,

Been some fantastic ideas here, alas work commitments stopped me getting anything done on the RR this weekend but I'm hoping next weekend will have some available time! Sounds like at least a day is needed to try all these things. Might try in order of easyness and go from there.

The idea of using aqua foam is a very good one! The wire mesh sounds interesting too but I can't really picture it in my mind. So if those photos are available could help us out.
+1, Id like to see it also :)
Yes, please!

Also curious how you attached them...
Photo's as promised. The perforated metal is held in place with the metal frame used for the foam. The perforated metal on the extreme end opening is held in place with 2 small nut's & bolts which can just be seen in the photo's, I needed to fit it there to stop mice getting in.
I bought the alloy here:- https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/3mm-Hole...e=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
nice, looks rather profesh, I have just replaced mine but next time I will do this mod, end of the story then, will last a lot longer!
Photo's as promised. The perforated metal is held in place with the metal frame used for the foam. The perforated metal on the extreme end opening is held in place with 2 small nut's & bolts which can just be seen in the photo's, I needed to fit it there to stop mice getting in.
I bought the alloy here:- https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/3mm-Hole...e=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649View attachment 188574 View attachment 188577 View attachment 188578 View attachment 188579 View attachment 188581

That's the way forward. Reminds me of the bee keeping mesh.
Very nice Data, i think that is the way forward from now on, a fit and forget answer to the age old bug bear:)
Photo's as promised. The perforated metal is held in place with the metal frame used for the foam. The perforated metal on the extreme end opening is held in place with 2 small nut's & bolts which can just be seen in the photo's, I needed to fit it there to stop mice getting in.
I bought the alloy here:- https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/3mm-Hole-5mm-Pitch-1mm-Thick-Round-Aluminium-Perforated-Mesh-A4-200mm-x-300mm/152312703422?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649View attachment 188574 View attachment 188577 View attachment 188578 View attachment 188579 View attachment 188581

Awesome! Very Nice.. Thankyou

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