Half Colin

New Member
Hi guys,

I'm a bit new to Land Rovers - I've got a 94 P38 4.6HSE - and I'm very new on here.

I've posted my problem over in the Range Rover forum as I'm not sure of the protocols on here vis a vi putting things in the right places.

Anyway, I've recently moved to the Midlands (Leicester) although I work away during the week and I need to find a good Land Rover mechanic to look after my RR - can anyone help.


Hi Halfcolin. what troubles are you having with your Range Rover?
I have a 1982 Range Rover, as well as a 1982 Land Rover 3.9 l diesel.
How can I help?
Kind regards...Ron:D
Hi Ron

Thanks for the offer - I replaced the battery but the car was without a battery for over 24 hours. Ever since then it's run very rough, as if it's only firing on 6 cyclinders, and there's a significant loss of power. I've checked the plugs and leads and it is firing on all 8 cyclinders so I'm guessing it's the timing which is controlled by the ECU. Could it loose the mapping if not connected to a battery and if so how do I get it going again - or am I way off the mark?

I should add that it's been converted to LPG and the symptoms are the same whether on petrol or LPG.


Half Colin, you are definitely on the right track I believe, unfortunately my Range Rover is an older carby version.
Good luck.
Kind regards...Ron

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