Ok well ive been hovering in and around the site since october/november 2010, and found all the info Very helpful, so thanks for spending the time to put the info up!
I bought a 1996 300tdi, the day it started snowing (by luck) up here when we had all the snow and just love the motor dispite things working/not working... the motor has 125 k on now so ive done 7k in 6 months (its a second car) but love it. (not quite as much fun as a motorbike)
Normally service every car i have myself and this will be no different, just have to get used to everything being bigger on the landrover than on a standard car. so cheers all and look forward to getting slagged rotten when i do somthing stupid.
fook me not another porridge wog :p

Oh well welcome to the loony zone, anyway!! :D
Hi Prism,
Well i say Glasgow as a general area, because most people know where that is:)
Coatbridge is nearer!
Whats a detailer?

I do paint correction on vehicles, I take out swirls and scratches and restore the paintwork/whole car to the best it can, get a mirror finish, defect free, easier to look at my youtube channel to get an idea http://www.youtube.com/user/PrismDetailing there is even a land rover in there somewhere. Actually detailing that car has made me decide on a Land Rover/Range Rover as the choice in next car.
hi all thanks for the welcomes!
Ought to say that ive lived here for around 15 years, before that lived up and down the uk, Highwycombe, Miltonkeynes, Selston,(where? i here you say)and here! (started out in Sheffield though!)
So a yorkshireman in scotland.... no wonder i fix everything myself!

Prism i was wondering about your name...my otherhalf said if its a woman and into cristals id better not reply lol.

Looked at you site and can now reply haha,

Redhand had to laugh... i love porridge!:)

So cheers for replys,

Any you people up here service your own. (know frendly people who do?)
sure am mate , just ice and thats no fun lol , do you think we will get any snow? do you know any good places local for playing in buddy?
there is a place just opposite the monklands hill climb race track, ive had a roam around,
tracks in there from other users...
some decents are sooooo steep but people have been down and if you want mud its there too not a massive place quite small but i bet you could have a good few hour there

hope we get snow, but not sure now, and after last year media is hysterical about any so you can't trust forcasts either.
still heres hoping, only managed to tow 2 people so far lol.
and with mine broke just now that would be a ****er to have some!
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Lol no problems, been forever since i was on here as always seem very busy! brill thing is ive done a good few miles and nothing has broken or gone wrong with my disco, so well pleased. Hope you are well and yours is still going strong!

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