
Hi, I’m Peter - Greetings from rural North Holland!

I’m from the UK, but work in Netherlands - I have a much loved 2005 Vogue 4.4V8.

Over Christmas/New Year I drove it from the Isle of Wight to the Bulgarian Mountains and then on to work in Netherlands- 3500 miles and nine countries - epic. It was faultless in all conditions. I was fairly well stocked of course with tools and basic spare components and needed nothing more than an indicator bulb.

2 weeks on I get the dreaded Trans Fail Prog glitch and accompanying P0705 code before a local trip - so expect me to post in these related threads too seeking your help!

In the meantime if any other members are in or have experience of any garages familliar with Land/Range Rovers in Netherlands please drop me a line
Hi and welcome Peter. There have been a couple of threads on Trans Fail recently in the dedicated Range Rover section. Also best to post your issue over there, if the previous threads don't answer your question, if they do and you have something to add to them , or if you need further help.
Happy hunting :)
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