Rates £1 - €1.413 with Revolut :p

I'm in at 20% discount, 2.25% isnt going to make that much of a difference really!

Did a quick calculation, if you did use Revolut at €1.413 it saves an extra ~£110 over the bank rate (1.353) you'd be charged.

(Also im in no way affiliated with Revolut, just think its an excellent company!)
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Currently need 3 more people to make it to the 20% discount


How long is the signup process for revolut bankz?
No time at all. Literally download the app, fill in the details and order you card. Process took 5 minutes card took 2 days to arrive but it gives a digital one you can use online right away.

All you do is load money on to it like a prepaid card then exchange it through the app to $ or €. It also avoids ATM fees when abroad as it acts like a 'local card' so you get the best possible rate and no extra bank fees!

Don't we need 2 more to make it 10?
I downloaded the app yesterday but not yet had a chance to sign up (no mobile reception for sms code verification). I buy some stuff from China quite frequently so if it does USD, i'm quids in there :)

...and yes, two more needed. My fault, was just counting the blanks. I have 2 people from a Facebook group also interested.

The next step is committing. Not sure how we're going to do that bit yet!
:D exciting! Yeah does USD as well I buy a lot from HK and Taiwan so very helpful!

Paypal probably be the easiest, usernames can be included in the 'notes' then tick off whos paid. For those that don't bank transfer and have them email a screen shot of the completed transaction to you along with their address.

As for postage will they all arrive to you in one shipment or individual shipments sent from them?
That looks like an add on if you have another system. Though maybe worth an email...

Edit - That is if you own Nanocom hardware and want to add more vehicles.
From what I understand, you can buy the nanocom unit for the defender td5 and it includes the unlock codes for that vehicle. You can then buy just an unlock code for say, the disco II td5. So your one unit will do both cars etc..

I'm waiting for an email back on best way for them to deliver. Either ship to us individually or to me, then I can post out via myhermes or equivalent. He has said this already;

Delivery costs obviously vary depending on total weight and go up in half Kilo increments, so the best we can really do is give you a couple of examples of the costs of shipping 10 and 20 Base kits which is approximately 170 or 270 Euros respectively.
Just signed up on the Revolut app after some buggering about with the sms code.
they promise the card will come in a couple of days.
The SMS code can get a little old sometimes but its part of their two stage security. It will often will send you a new code before it lets you sign in to the app. Either way I love it saved around £100 so far
OK, hot off the press. I have asked for an all-in quote of 10 units (x7 Defender TD5 and x3 P38 nanocoms)

If I have done my figures correctly, it works out at the below prices which includes delivery;

Defender TD5; £220.15 per unit
P38: 253.78 per unit

Edit: slight change to delivery costs
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Looks like a good saving, brilliant.
Just the how to get it all together bit now.

Well, we're still light by 1 person and that's on the basis the Facebook chap commits too (I've not heard back from the other guy). I'll give it until Friday and if we don't have the 10th, I'll buy another and cross my fingers I can sell it on sharpish.

In terms of payment, I'm sure the best way would be for people to transfer their money to a single account and it gets paid from there. Again, I'm happy to organise that and delivery out to you individually.

However, I'm more than aware I've not been around these parts for long and it would be a gamble on your part. But rest assured, I only have the best intentions and I am completely trustworthy (but then I would say that). I have been around another forum a long time so please do your research there, same username but on pigeonwatch.co.uk

I'm also a scout leader and a Rotarian, a true pillar of the community ;)

Similarly, I'd be more than happy to transfer my money to another person on here with a longer, more verified history so to alleviate any suspicion.

Either way, it all looks very promising and there's a real bargain to be had.

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