
Active Member
Right guys! The photograph below is of the trim panel in the drivers side footwell & you'll see the redish line running down the paintwork.

I've worked out that this is the reason for the extra 50lbs of water I've been driving around with as it's also this wet on the passenger side.:mad:

Question is this, will I have to take the wings off to fix this as I can't for the life of me see or work out where it's actually coming from?

Cheers in advance:D


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Thats exactly where mine last and only leak is coming from!!! I have removed that bracket and ECU to get a better glimpse of the drips but to no avail. Even removed wing to see how its getting in, masticked everything, sprayed leak stop on everything and undersealed everything, but somehow its getting in. So I have consoled myself that after its MOT Im gonna take out the dash board............and then I'll mastic, spray and underseal everything there too!!!!!! Just a thought though, have you got a wing mounted aerial I havent and checked that the hole for what must be the cable grommet thing was also letting in half the water.
mine is exactly the same place as well but i have 2 wheel bearings to do before i remove the dash!
the thing is i can go wading so the water is above the bonnet and the foot well stays bone dry ,but half hour of rain and i get a small puddle:confused:
well, I have tried/looked/searched and the land rover sieve really does take out the lumps. Sunroof drains checked, door seal re newed all of em!! even thought of drilling a hole in the floor to let the water out!!! At first I thought the a pillar but thats dry as a bone. In fairness these disco's not only let in water but bloody hell can they hold on to it!! footwell had a small oasis stored in the soundproofing before I started the strip down.

I thought about drilling a hole as well lol
i have also had the wing off and sealed up everywhere
Ive got the same thing on both sides.
I did fix one by sealing the seams in the windscreen wiper channel, under the bonnet. The passenger side seam next to the bonnet hinge was leaking inside and down the side panel.
To find it, I had to remove the glove box and then cut the insulation so I could see all the way up there.

Thinking of buying one of those led, flexi cameras for the driver's side. Got to be worth it to avoid removing the dash !!
When I had problems with leaky sunroofs I found the water could turn up anywhere - it could travel along on the roof lining . Often got a dash of cold water when I went to put on the seatbelt on a cold Winter's morning .
I read on some posts at the time that some Disco's leaked in the gutters - the sealing not being up to scratch between roof and sides . Cleaning out and re-sealing worked for some . The top corners of the windscreen were also problem areas for some - cracks in the rubber or not sealed properly following fitting of a new screen .
the old man had this problem (funny enough same colour disco) only when he had his windscreen refitted did problem stop.

Which reminds me .. I stopped a very similar leak, eventually found in the centre of the top windscreen seal! Right near the rear-view mirror, small area letting water into the seal and presumably flowing around to drop into the footwell.
Silly question is it the window seal failing ?

Mine failed at the top and water was running down the inside and running off everything it could

Hope it helps
Right guys! The photograph below is of the trim panel in the drivers side footwell & you'll see the redish line running down the paintwork.

I've worked out that this is the reason for the extra 50lbs of water I've been driving around with as it's also this wet on the passenger side.:mad:

Question is this, will I have to take the wings off to fix this as I can't for the life of me see or work out where it's actually coming from?

Cheers in advance:D

Remove the dash surport bracket for better access and you will see water dripping through a seam, there's also a few holes with just a sticky patch over them.
Better to look with a torch when it's raining so you will see the drips coming through maybe only one a minute or so, not a lot, but thats all you need to flood the footwell overnight.
There must be water getting into the A post from outside at the top of the wind screen corner.
Anyway just reseal inside with Silkafex put the dash surport back...Job done.:)
Similar to the above I had same leak and fixed by removing the wing and sealing the vertical joint between the inner wing and door post paying particular attention to where the horizantal box section That reinforces the inner wing crosses the post seam. It seems water runs down inside the post and into the footwell through bolt holes etc. It is possible to seal all those holes from inside the car and without taking the wing off but then yr post is still going rusty.......

I also drilled a hole in the inner wings horizontal box section to stop water coming from the gutter at the base if the windscreen and which drains through a short pipe onto the top of the box section filling the box section up and corroding where the box section crosses the post seam as I reckon that is a design fault inevitably leading to rust and leaks. Difficult to explain in words you need to see it.

It's also worth checking the windscreen seal at the bottom corners where seals overlap as leaks there also drop water onto the same vertical seam inside the wing and you want all the water from the screen to drop into the gutter, to see if those seals are the cause of the leaks you can use insulation tape as a temp fix.
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Thanks for the replies guys:). I'm now armed with Sikaflex after discovering top corner seals are not too good; in fact they're bloody awful to be honest. Will try this first before taking the wing off. Will report on results.
you might want to remove the sound proofing aswell. i better it's soaked and will start to rot out the floors.
Update. I've cured the leak on the drivers side:D Now I'll need to do the same on the other side:(

After taking off the footwell side panel I thought it was coming from the windscreen so I attacked it with Sikaflex; still leaked! Then turned my attention to the wing & pondered taking the wing off but health issues would make that a long drawn out process.

The other day I noticed water coming from the bottom of the door when I closed it so I set about dismantling the door to investigate. Killed two birds with one stone and fixed the handle that took a lot of pulling to open:)

The window has been replaced at some point as the inside of the door was full of broken glass. I then set about the window seals with Sikaflex and found bits of trim that didn't quite fit flush to the glass.

Pishing down with rain today and it's dry so far:cool:

The joys of Discovery!

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