
New Member
My disco is still leaking dispite near a full tube of sealant. The water is dripping from the above the rear view mirrior, any ideas were I could find this leak?
Not worried about getting wet, more worried about the little paddle that gathers around the bottom of lighter socket
google "discovery sunroof" and then follow the pictures...Just done mine, no more leaking sunroof! Took 5 days to dry out the rear carpet over a radiator, still stinks a bit but at least its bone dry.
Just found out my 'new' car leaks as well! Thought dry carpets meant no leaks - pity it is all in the soundproofing! When the weather improves a little and I have a garage and driveway back (I live in in a building site and park on the road for now ..) I will remove the headlining, carpets, seal the sunroofs and drains etc., get busy with some hammerite and re-assemble the lot. From what I've read on here it is better to spend a day doing that than try to do a leak at a time ...
took me 2 whole days, but i stripped out everything, headlining, carpets, side panels etc. i soundproofed everything with acoustic underlay and damplifier which has made a massive difference to cabin noise...Well worth the effort. I did mine on the drive whilst wife was away, so i could clean and dry everything inside, ie carpets side panels washed in the bath!!
^^ That sounds very good. Did you remove the old soundproofing from the carpets? Did you attach the new stuff to carpet/body or simply lay in place?
hi, i had this problem with my td5, i took the full roof lining out and sun roofs, resealed the roof holes with a silicone bonding. cleaned and replaced the sunroofs and centrilised them and it hasnt leaked since. i left the interior out for 3 weeks to see it it would leak but it didnt. p.s. you need to take out the sunroof surounds out too and clean both surfaces thoroughly.... hope this helps....frizzy
^^ Helpful info Frizzy - thanks. I am waiting for the temperatures to rise a little! In the meantime I am keeping all my old envelopes so I can separate out the screws etc. that I will be removing!

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