
New Member
Hi all

I have just got myself a 94 300tdi defender 81000 miles with EGR blanked off, however it does not run properly.

The story so far:

1, - Intermittent running
2, - Will only just tick over very lumpy, cant increase engine speed
3, - Can increase engine speed but lumpy and not full revs
4, - Sometimes runs fine
5, - Replaced fuel pump
6, - Cleaned tank out
7, - Sometimes white smoke
8, - Sometimes blue smoke
9, - Sometimes black smoke

I have done a lot of reading forums with similar problems but not found any with same symptoms as mine, any help would be most appreciated

Sounds like a fuel supply problem to me, but could be other problems. When you start it up before it fires do all four cylinders sound the same as the compress or does one (or more sound as if there compressing faster than the others) as this is a sign of loss of compression in one or more cylinders. Do you have q compression guage to test the compression in the cylinders????

I would check you have not got air into the system when you replaced the fuel lift(I presume) pump - undo the bleed screws on the injector pump and fuel filter in turn and make sure there is no air in there.

Other thinks to check- are you loosing coolant/oil???

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