as always, its worth worrever people are willing to pay !
if yer got a mint 1990 110 some one might pay around £3500 fer it?
but if it ts a rough one yer might only get £150 !! :eek:
same as if yer got a rough 03 plate 110 csw it is still worth £800 not what you think it is, :doh:
its all down to condition and how much some one wants it that upps the price !
if yer ebay it, take yer chance, put on a reasonable reserve ( 50p ) and see what comes of it ! :D
but if yers tidy it up , CLEAN THE ****ER, finish the welding, it will be worth a bit more, as it looks better! it all counts.
so whys yer selling it, :rolleyes: fookin took yer long enough to gerrit on the road?
Ere Jim... You still going back to mexico?

No 2 your time is up !

ere, thurs some masks yer can get to stop the old pig flue, now where did i see them !

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