Thats my listing!

Its not ringing! I'm selling it as a rolling chassis complete with Axles which still gives you enough points to keep it on that registration! Its up to who ever buys it do what they want with it then....not my problem

And there lies the problem "not my problem" - people don't give a **** if they sell something which is used for crime.

Thats my listing!

I know alot of very well known company's within the Land Rover world buy the ID's so they can build New Land Rovers from the ground up. To be honest I would say 25% of Land Rovers on the road have had this done!

Really? 25% so, another 25% off the road to provide the id's for the builds, so, only 50% of landy's are restored, original, etc.

Maybe try a more realistic percentage.

What I am selling is NOT a ringer at all, all the number match up on everything, and we have owned it for the last 10 years!! As I say so far everyones who has emailed me through Ebay about it want it for new build projects

Its very unlikely it will be going on a stolen 110 as most of those are broke up and sold back to us in bits, or shipped abroad!...Its all very well your looking out for dodgy Land Rovers on Ebay, (I do myself) but you need to draw a line under it somewhere the ID's that are on there are simply going for new builds not stolen ones!!

It's a lot easier to slap a ID on a stolen landy than it is to break them up (and it's obviously not hard to break them) so there's probably quite a good chance it is going on a stolen landy.

At least you are not selling an id with a bag of rust which used to be the chassis, which is just designed for criminals, your's has the chance of being a legit landy, so, it's not too bad, just thought i'd comment on your post on here :)
It's a lot easier to slap a ID on a stolen landy than it is to break them up (and it's obviously not hard to break them) so there's probably quite a good chance it is going on a stolen landy.

At least you are not selling an id with a bag of rust which used to be the chassis, which is just designed for criminals, your's has the chance of being a legit landy, so, it's not too bad, just thought i'd comment on your post on here :)

I agree wiv everything you say there Bump, you saved me writing it all. Except you last paragraph that is. From matey's ebay ad:

" Sadly she was well beyond repair, the chassis is rotten, with not a single bit of it any good,"

"I'm more than happy to send the Vin & Log Book, or you can take the chassis aswell. If you just want the logbook I will fill it out and send it to the DVLA so it arrives back to you in your name, and obviously I will send you the Vin and Number plates too. If you don't want the chassis we will despose of it."

Sounds like a bag of rust, V5 and some number plates. Ideal for chucking on a nicked Landy. And as he dun't care what happens after he sells it, well... :mad:
Well I was trying to be polite on my reply!

yes maybe your right 25% isn't that realistic but there is certainly a hell of alot out there on different ID's simply because they have been built from nothing and not always stolen!

Land Rovers are worth more in kit form than complete!!

And yes the chassis is a pile of rust! But to someone is probably repairable, I have got 8 Land Rovers sitting in my drive at the moment in various states of repair, and all I am trying to do is sell some to get another completed!

Well I know I don't post alot on this forum but I use it a hell of alot if I get in a muddle and to be honest I don't think I will be using it anymore!! I wasn't trying to start a war on here, I was simply giving my reason for selling it, unlike alot of sellers on there!

FFS, does it not twig with you that by offering a V5 AND VIn plate for sale for a scrapped vehicle you are offering an ideal opportunity for some scum bag to nick to order then easily sell on? Does that not compute? Oh sorry, I forgot, you don't care because it's "not your problem". In my mind that makes you as bad as the thieving toe-rags that are out there!

I must say, for your great input you'll be sorely missed. Now f**k off and shut the door on the way out, eh? All I can say is that it's shame that shelfish pricks like you can't be screened to stop you picking up useful information that's freely available from the great folks on LZ...

Ggggr, off for a walk to calm down a bit. :mad::mad::mad:
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Well you have got that wrong, its not a scrapped vehicle, 100% of it still exsists actually, it was stripped out for restoration, and is still all laying here!!

Tim, Tim, Tim, oh Timmy Tim Tim...

Tim's eBay ad said:
Here we have the rolling chassis of my parents 110. Sadly she was well beyond repair, the chassis is rotten, with not a single bit of it any good, the chassis has been chopped off from the back axle onwards, this was done as we had planned to fit a new half chassis, but we then found the front end was no good aswell! So basically your really probably only bidding for the ID.

Please explain why you think this vehicle, sorry, I.D, has a right to be on the road given its very clear scrap status??
Well you have got that wrong, its not a scrapped vehicle, 100% of it still exsists actually, it was stripped out for restoration, and is still all laying here!!

I think you need to read the whole point system that the DVLA have set for a vehicle to keep its identity!!

I've not looked at the link. But If you sell a vehicle with a V5 the vehicle must be a complete vehicle, inc body, engine and chassis. if the vehicle is not substantially complete. Then you are required by Law to return the V5 to the DVLA adn record the vehicle as scrapped. At no point during the time that you "own" the vehicle. does the V5 belong to you. It is a Government identification document and must be returned when requested to do so, or when the vehicle no longer exists. Selling a V5 & vin plates is illegal.. Immoral and the actions of a CUUUNT!!! :fighting:
Please tell me then, how does that work when your selling as an unfinshed project then? Which this basically is (see my last post)

Is the vehicle comnplete??? chassis, body, doors, axles etc etc. Or are you selling a vehicle which is well past the point of economical repair?? if the former your ad is ****e and misleading. if the Latter you're a Cuunt for encouraging Landy thefts.. & if we're lucky someone will rob ya pride and joy. So that you can experience a bit of the upset & aggro that comes from losing a motor, not to mention increasing Insurance costs.
Its all very well having ago at me, but i'm afraid to say there plenty of others on there and as i said before some of them are being sold by some very well known companys!!

Just cos others are doing it doesn't make it right you banana..if you were at a pub and found out they were all kiddy fiddlers would you join in??

Tim, you are quite obviously a complete (as Pikey so eloquently put it) a complete and utter cuuunt (I expanded a bit).

Your 110 that you say you rebuilt - you bought it complete, yes? The re-chassis-ed it. Simples, it was a restoration. Well done you.

Your advert on ebay quite clearly states you are willing to supply the V5 and VIN plates. So more than likely they'll be used to go on a nicked Landy for a quick and easy sale.

I canna be a**ed to look at all the links you posted (I still haven't had that walk and I need a pint) but most of them look like they're usable chassis (i.e. galvanised / rolling / good / ex-army) not completely fubared like yours.

Now, be a good boy and admit you're a selfish c**t who don't give a f**k about other folk, and if you can make a couple of quid outa their Landy being nicked you might as well.

Oh go on, one more time, selfish f**king complete and utter d**kheed c**t! (Get busy wiv your '*' Ratty!)
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Just cos others are doing it doesn't make it right you banana..if you were at a pub and found out they were all kiddy fiddlers would you join in??


Nah, he'd sell 'em some lube, film it and sell the vids 'cos (have I mentioned this) he's a selfish ****!

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