
New Member
Hi all. When i brake i don't appear to bneable to emergency stop.
A friend suggested when he had a look it could be the vacuum pump! as there wasn't a great amount of suction.
Any clues..
Ah, I've just changed my vacuum pump and guess what, that's not what's wrong with it. The downer is, that I've already changed the master cylinder and the servo unit, ( and bled it, had other people bled it, and taken it to garages to have it bled). I can only assume that it's the servo that's causing the problem, even though it's only around 6 months old. Next step is to try and change the carpets, maybe that will help!
I have the same problem , i can slow the thing down but god help me if i need an emergency stop
I have looked at the vacuum pump and there is some suction but not a lot
when it is ticing over its hard to tell if its sucing or blowing
so i am going to change the pump unless someone knows better???
Magsnemma - even with a new pump it's pretty hard to feel at tickover - I'm pretty sure it's the servo on mines - If you can wait till the end of the week I'll be swapping it out, I'll re-post back on progress! The only other thing is bleeding the brakes. I can't see it, but there were really difficult to bleed before, maybe I've not done it right. :(
had similar problem on Rover P6 found that when the rubber vacuum pipe had been pushed on it had cut a small slither of rubber on the inside and this was being sucked down blocking the pipe hence no servo when you really needed it worth checking the pipe could also be perished and collapsing internally not alway visible from the outside .
Hello mystery,

have changed all the rubbers too. Hopefully we'll find out this weekend what the problem is, failing that, might have to take it to the garage (dan dan daaaaaaaaaaah.)
Fingers (what's left of them after putting the vacumm pump in) Crossed!

found out what was wrong with my brakes - both the brake pipes that went to the master cylinder were badly flared, in one of them the pipe was around half sized, in the other, possibly less, so that would kind of make sense, that I could change all the components, and not notice that the brake pipe flanging had been done by a halfwit.

However, I now appear to have a complete back up set of spares for my brakes, should I ever need them!!

Hope this helps.

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