
New Member
Hello all.
I have recently purchased my first Landrover - I got an 08 disco 3 SE and am absolutely loving it!!!!!!

I have one question which i am struggling to find a direct answer for as i am sure it is very specifc, so i was wondering if anyone knows the answer.

I believe I have the PTI system in the car which works through the harmon kardon stereo. I have managed to bond my work phone successfully as well as my home phone. if I take one or other of these phones on their own into the car I immediately connect to the phone PTI and can make calls successfully. however, if i take both phones into the car the PTI seems to connect to the phone that had last been used in the car.
I previously had a sony bluetooth stereo in my last car and had the ability to activate the connection to any phone in my phone list. This allowed me to do the following:
1) connect to home phone
2) make a call
3) Disconnect to the home phone
4) connect to the work phone
5) make a call from the work phone.

this was possible by clicking two buttons whilst in the stereo bluetooth menu whilst the radio remained on.

I would dearly like to be able to do this in the Disco but simply cannot find a way to connect a second phone to the stereo without turning the ignition off.
Please Please help me as this, believe it or not, is causing me daily pain.
This is still an issue for me. The issue is generally that I receive calls into both phones during a long journey and usually it is via the phone that is not actively bonded.
Why can we not get to the Bluetooth menu via the stereo keypad?

has anyone found an alternative to this? perhaps an upgrade to the stereo or a kit for the landy?
Various options suggest themselves.

1. get a bluetooth headset for one of the phones & leave the other paired with the vehicle.

2. get a bluetooth headset that does both phones & forget about the one in the car.

3. turn one of the phones off.

4. turn both phones off.

5. get lots of points for phoning while driving & lose your licence.
get a parrot for one phone, disco runs the other, thats what my sons employer sorted for him anyhow.

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