
Active Member
as stated another attempt on my rangie this weekend the only thing that alerted me was in my office heard my collie bark, a door slam. went down to the back yard to find garden gate open & no sign of the dog closed the gate. spent 45 minutes wandering the streets. looking for dog.
coming back home found our jack russel wandering the street thought thats strange sure i 'd closed the gate & put the bolt on. went round to the gate & found it open again a lenght of metal sticking out of the drivers window. busted door handle, & the the remote control box hanging of the winch. found the collie 5 mile away heading back towards home in the middle of nowhere. police decided to turn up today asking why had'nt i left everything as i found it. pointed out that i reported it to them early hours sunday.


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thanks guys. i think i,m gonna rehook the electric fence unit back to the alarm and door handles. problem is some neighbours have got a all noise and no go exhaust on there little car's so i had to turn the vibration sensor down. and they were fed up of coming out to it. because the tracker was being trigger'd by the alarm going off.
Glad they didn't get your classic but if I were you I'd also be keeping a close eye on the dogs from now on.
Could they have let the dogs out to stop them barking?

You need to increase security as they may come back soon with a betterer plan than before.
thats why i think they took the collie first & dumped her up the road. the jacks fine & docile until you get him into a vehicle then he turns into a demented nut job that won't let anyone in or out. but as i can't leave him sat in the truck overnight. i,ve turn'ed the sensor back up and rehooked the cattle fence unit back to the door handles. put up two new flood lights that have got built in camera's. so hopefully might catch the little scrote's if they come back.
they,ve been back again might be the last i see of them. as my neighbour had just finished working the late shift. he'd just parked up his beast and was just getting ready to get out of his car when an 07 plate silver golf with after market twin head lights pulled stop for a minute then reversed into a dead end road. so he sat there watching them for 15 minutes when they then put there main beam on must have seen his shadow or shape then they left. but at least i might possably know what they are driving now.
they,ve been back again might be the last i see of them. as my neighbour had just finished working the late shift. he'd just parked up his beast and was just getting ready to get out of his car when an 07 plate silver golf with after market twin head lights pulled stop for a minute then reversed into a dead end road. so he sat there watching them for 15 minutes when they then put there main beam on must have seen his shadow or shape then they left. but at least i might possably know what they are driving now.
Tell the police. They may have had other sightings on the same description of car, linked to theft's.

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