Note from Justin Brown - West Yorkshire GLASS rep

Justin Brown This petition is set up by kevin greenhalgh, apparently you can contact him directly off a pc, not a mobile via the petition page. OR phone 0207 970 6023 and ask for Robin at 38 degrees and complain over the phone, or email him at and complain. Please share this information.
i have posted at the bottom and flagged it.

as both a walker and an off roader i get it from both sides and there are plenty of rights of way for both parties to enjoy. we are luck to live in such a pretty country and we should all enjoy it as much as we can. this is the same as everything if you are responsible and respect each other things like this wouldn't keep kicking off, its the small minority that either go too fast down byways or leave gates open. but on the other hand i have been in my truck slowly passing walkers that have stood to the side to let us pass and I've had walking sticks hit on the side of my truck with them shouting that we have no right to be there.
On the plus side there are some really positive comments from non green lane users. Seems the whole world isn't against us :D
And even in the "reasons for signing" these are the only comments. Although its a bit worrying that they have signed it to leave them.

Matt R. about 9 hours ago
Note that Schiehallion’s popularity amongst WALKERS led to erosion on its footpath with extensive repairs undertaken in 2001, one case of many. Users of unsurfaced roads organise maintenance parties & volunteer their services to work with the council to maintain “byways open ALL traffic” to benefit ALL users. How many ramblers can claim that? Pedestrians can access 100% of UK’s rights of way; vehicular users are restricted to less than 5% & this is falling.
Brett D. about 10 hours ago
This is total nonsense, and quite a biased view!! There is ABSOLUTELY no evidence that 4x4's create any extra damage whatsoever!! Perhaps, all YOU walkers should get off footpaths and bridleways and start walking on real roads!!
#### o. about 4 hours ago
i sign alot for 38 Degrees but not is ? freedom to live your life in a national park for all
Might have to disagree with this in the excellently argued essay by someone called Phil, referring to the irresponsible types of 4x4 user: :D
"You can usually mark them out a mile off due to the ill concieved unnecessary modifications they've badly performed to their vehicles. And often appear in combat trousers, rigger boots and pronounce the word "Land Rover" or "Landy" as "Lanny" "

OK I don't have rigger boots nor ill conceived vehicular mods (AFAIK), but maybe I should ditch the combat pants for a pair of harris tweed plus fours and henceforth refer to my vehicle as a Discovery 2, not a Disco or Landy... :eek: :D :D :p

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