
New Member
I have a 2001 TD4 and the Aircon has stopped working, having read various threads on here, I assumed the Gas needed charging so purchased one of those recharge kits from Halfords.

However when I went to use it the system appears to already have good pressure, (when I press the pin in on the valve I get a healthy release of gas about the same as you would get if depressing the valve on a tyre)

Next I removed the connection from the pressure switch (tri something?) this had no effect on the aircon but made the radiator fans come on at full speed.

I don't think the compressor is engaging, is there anyway to short the wires connecting to the pressure switch to test whether this switch is at fault and if so which wires do I jumper?

Any other pointers would be appreciated.

Check yer belts to compressor is ok ,lhs as ya look in engine ,two belts , big one and little un ,your checkin little un. . . .:)
Tried to look at that, but there isn't much space, I could just about make out what I think to be the compressor pulley and it isn't turning. Do I have to remove something to get a clearer view?

Well ya could take the wheel orft and ther is a plastic bit you could undo, , ,but far easyer, to look underneath the car from the front with engine off of course[titter] and you will then seethe two belt s if you can only see one ,then one is missing ,scuse me askin this dusty but are you ,um fe- male . . .:D
Not sure what my gender has to do with my faulty Aircon :confused:

Anyway does anyone know if it is possible to by-pass the pressure switch to fool the compressor into cutting in?

DustyM said:
Not sure what my gender has to do with my faulty Aircon :confused:

Anyway does anyone know if it is possible to by-pass the pressure switch to fool the compressor into cutting in?

Yep er sorry jon gender has nufink ta do wif it , just that if i try and help female members , try and talk less techy, ok so is yer belt ok. . .:D
have you checked the fuse, there is an electricly operated clutch between the compressor and the pully, there should be a wire coming out behind the pully. check this conection as well.
good luck
reet you!! are you sure its gas thats coming oot ? because it may just be air . and don't listen to that daft **** man, him no know what he talk about...if yer A/C clutch ain't ingageing then its either the fuse, the relay or the pressure switch. so check you have got gas and not air in there, then check yer fuse, relay and then check you have power at the wire at tit back of the ferkin compressor.

No outcome?

I ask because mines not operating and the missus , whos always cold is complaining that with all that glass its too hot what with global warming and that
furst thing to check is that yer A/C clutch is turnin when you put it on, assuming yer belt is still there. or do a search fer A/C on here
Thanks Slob

I've done that and the general feeling seems to be that if it aint charged fully you can't check anything else so I'm off onto e-bay to look for this gassing kit.

I was out on my travels today and called to see a candidate. On entering his , openplan, office I noticed a screensaver with a photo of two Rangies on the desk nextdoor.

I said conversationally ' Jesus another sucker for punishment, I've got two LRs as well , a Defender and a Freelander" "Thats one and a half LRs " replied the owner of said Rangies

Conversation ensued and he ADMITTED !!! to working on the cooling system for the 1.8 in another life when he worked for LR. Further conversation followed re the V6 and 'ffs if we can't cool the 1.8 what is this going to be like!'

The people you meet on this job

This is the first attempt at subverting a thread, something you and yours are past masters at , so bear with me.
boxer ,go on flea bay un git the castrol recharge plus ,its got pag oil , sealant red trace dye oh un refrigerent r-134a you also get a pressure gauge that gives an idea of ,if it needs a re fill , slob put me on to it ages ago un its good. . . .:)
aye its grand stuff i put ming on to it ages ago. and i'm just about to redo my complete system wiff it as ave just rebuilt the compressor.
If you've got your ventilation settings at anything with windscreen on it then the a/c is AUTOMATICALLY switched on... hence a puddle of water on the floor when you stop!

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