
Active Member
My discovery td5 will wobble side to side at low speeds like a wheel is egg shaped.Steering is fine and just been under and nothing stands out,bushes look ok,no play in joints,any ideas?
Also my gearstick will wobble about when going over bumps and is most prevalent at 1500rpm,almost like a misfire? either on the move in any gear or stationary.Im thinking a mount is possibly down??
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated
I'm getting a fair bit of vibration through my gearstick (200 disco) and I know I have separated gearbox mounts so at the moment I'm putting it down to that. check you can't lift your gearbox off the mounts
check tyres I had loads of problems with mine checked bushes dampers steering box could not find any problems changed tyre it was like a different motor. the best way to check is swap tyres front to back and see if there is any difference. tom
You've removed ACE? If so, have you replaced the ACE bars with standard anti roll bars?

Think you mean you've gone from SLS air bags to springs though?
yeah,i bought it like that.
somebody in the past has changed it from air suspension to springs

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