Flying Scotsman!

Active Member
Freelander decided to cry transmission oil yesterday. Big puddle under middle below IRD.
Dont know where its coming from as I havent had time to get under tray off yet.
Will investigate this evening... sigh...:(
So it wasnt the IRD.
It was the sump gasket at the front! The oil was dripping on to the under tray, running backwards then dripping off.
(I had to cut the tray off, so that's buggered now! I'll replace that with a sheet of tin / metal when I get time.)
The gasket had been replaced at some point (suspect when the HG was done) and hadn't been seated correctly.
It had popped out. Someone had then stuffed black RTV silicone in the gap. Which worked for long enough obviously but then popped out.

I've cleaned it out and used a 2 pack epoxy resin we use at work for similar problems. (High voltage transformers)
Put a skin over the flange where the oil was escaping.
It SO far has sealed it up.
Fingers crossed...
There isn't a gasket for the sump. It's a flat flange joint that needs RTV sealer on assembly.
So it wasnt the IRD.
It was the sump gasket at the front! The oil was dripping on to the under tray, running backwards then dripping off.
(I had to cut the tray off, so that's buggered now! I'll replace that with a sheet of tin / metal when I get time.)
The gasket had been replaced at some point (suspect when the HG was done) and hadn't been seated correctly.
It had popped out. Someone had then stuffed black RTV silicone in the gap. Which worked for long enough obviously but then popped out.

I've cleaned it out and used a 2 pack epoxy resin we use at work for similar problems. (High voltage transformers)
Put a skin over the flange where the oil was escaping.
It SO far has sealed it up.
Fingers crossed...
Wouldn't you be better just unbolting the sump and refitting with the proper sealant. Shouldn't be that big a job.
Probably but that's a job for another day. Right now I haven't got time to drop it and replace it.
If it doesn't seal up sufficiently I will sort it out properly at a later date.
There does seem to be some debate over whether it should have a gasket or not. I remember selling them back in the 80's when the K series first appeared. But I also remember NOT selling them!
Probably but that's a job for another day. Right now I haven't got time to drop it and replace it.
If it doesn't seal up sufficiently I will sort it out properly at a later date.
There does seem to be some debate over whether it should have a gasket or not. I remember selling them back in the 80's when the K series first appeared. But I also remember NOT selling them!

I've never seen a gasket on a K series fitted with an alloy sump. It's just an RTV sealed joint.
A K series with a tin sump will have a rubber gasket. However very few Ks had a pressed tin sump.
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That could be where the differences comes in. But I've seen alloy sumped engines with a gasket!
I've not been around enough K series to comment on that with any great authority.
Do the Freelanders have the foam baffle in the sump? I would have thought that a vehicle meant for off road activity would have one fitted?
Although I have heard it can break up and block oil pick up points. I know there are special gaskets available to remove the baffle completely.
The FL1 sump is just an open sump. It has a pickup that is very close to the bottom. There's no baffling in there though.
This is nothing to do with the gasket (or lack of) being discussed here (I think).... but... on my L Series at the bottom of the engine where the the bell housing meets it there is a piece of foam. IIRC its about 1/2" wide and goes across the width of the engine (as I say right at the bottom). I have no idea what it is or why its there. Can anyone enlighten me? It is sodden with oil.
This is nothing to do with the gasket (or lack of) being discussed here (I think).... but... on my L Series at the bottom of the engine where the the bell housing meets it there is a piece of foam. IIRC its about 1/2" wide and goes across the width of the engine (as I say right at the bottom). I have no idea what it is or why its there. Can anyone enlighten me? It is sodden with oil.
I have a recollection that it's for noise insulation GG.
I don't believe that any 1.8 litre K-series had a sump gasket - but I don't know about the earlier "low port" 1.1 and 1.4 litre engines?

Hopefully a relatively easy fix through (easier than fixing an IRD me-thinks!) :)
That would be the 'Oil absorption diagnostic dispersion unit"..

(OK, I have no idea what it is...)
I have a recollection that it's for noise insulation GG.
I think it probably does a better job at oil absorption and noise reduction! Mind you I haven't heard the engine running without it :eek:

I just checked it out in Rave, its the part number '2' in this pic between the block and the box adapter plate...


In the list it simply says "2. Foam Pad". I did a search through all the Rave docs for "foam pad" and that was the only reference it found. So it shall remain a mystery.

My guess is that there is a cavity there (ie the inside of the bell housing) and there is a breather hole that's filled with foam to stop water getting in?
I'd go with wot Flying Scotsman says, oil spill collector. LR knew the Freelanders were just as likely to pish oil everywhere as all their other products but less likely to be on a farm. Therefore they had to do something to protect the urban driveways so stuck a tampon into it.

Probably. :p
Tampons... under trays... I don't know why they didn't go the whole hog and mount the engine/trans inside a Zorb :)

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