Disco Moneypit

New Member
Just a quick but stupid question from man idiot with little or no mechanical expertese.

I have removed my rad and intercooler to clean them both of all the mud that was in them. To drain I removed the bottom hose. However, there is still some coolent left in the expansion tank.

To re-fill the system, would it be better if after I have re-connected everything, I filled the radiator seperatley intill it was full, then topped up via the expansion tank. :confused:

Also do I loosen off the air bleed cap whilst filling, or only when I have started it up? (the black plastic thing that sits near the thermostat)

Sorry for the stupid questions chaps. I try my best to do what I can on my cars, but I am by no means an expert.

In advance, cheers.
So out of the 50 people that have viewed this, not one of you knows the answer or has drained and topped up your coolent before, ever?
it should bleed its self pretty much dont fink i have ever opened that plastic cap up when i do mine
If you are refilling with the same coolant then you can leave what is already in the expansion tank, never mix different coolants.
You will have to slacken the bleed screw when you fill the system to allow the air to escape. I would connect up all the hoses and fill from the expansion tank. When the system is full it will flood out of the bleed screw.
Fill to appropriate mark on expansion tank. Go for a drive to recirculate coolant around engine, and top up.
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If you are refilling with the same coolant then you can leave what is already in the expansion tank, never mix different coolants.
You will have to slacken the bleed screw when you fill the system to allow the air to escape. I would connect up all the hoses and fill from the expansion tank. When the system is full it will flood out of the bleed screw.
Fill to appropriate mark on expansion tank. Go for a drive to recirculate coolant around engine, and top up.

Nice one. Cheers.

But why is it not wide to mix coolents?

What is, (or was untill last night), in mine was originally put in about 6 months ago, and is the green coloured stuff. What I have now is pink. According to the Haynes book of lies, the Disco takes 11.7 litres of coolent. Surely there cant be too much left in the system? Would even mixing small percentages, say 90/10% be bad, if so why?
look in the Qs and As bit - there is a full write-up in there - sometimes diff coolants can react turning to Gel:eek:.
Refill in through the plug near the thermostat housing this is supposed to cure any air getting in the system.
Refill in through the plug near the thermostat housing this is supposed to cure any air getting in the system.

oh - and replace them ****ty plastic plugs with radiator drain valves, before they break - about £1.50 each and it means yu can bleed the system when hot, if necessary .

Filled via the expansion tank. it took about 7.5 litres, then I added another litre in the top of the rad. Bleed via the crappy black plastic bolt next to the thermostat.

I took it out for a long run. It got up to temp quite quickly, but it took ages for any warm air to come out of the interior fans, but when it did it was toasty hot.

Before I go out today I will be checking my coolent and oil, (I lost some from the oil cooler), and topping up if needed.

Thanks for the tips guys.

Just one last question. As seen as I have mixed two different types of coolents, what the first sign of trouble to look out for?
you system could overheat due to poor circulation of coolant due to blockages caused by gelling of coolant.
if you had a good quality coolant in it before ya started then filled again with good quality coolant dont panic its if you mix the netto crap stuff with good coolant you will have problems, the old methanol coolant dont like glycol so it turns to gel...but tbh i have not seen any of the cheap methanol stuff for ages now , not even sure ya can still get it..dont panic mate it should be ok..

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