

Just heard back from the garage where my 90 td5 was having an MOT and service. It needs some work doing,
It needs rear discs and pads (just had it waxoyled and they got it all over the brakes and they are contaminated).
Front swivel housing and ball socket replaced,
Tightening hand brake,
Oil leak from rocker cover.
Replacing the hinges which I have provided ready sprayed.

The garage quoted best part of a grand including the service. Does anybody think this is a bit steep?


Just heard back from the garage where my 90 td5 was having an MOT and service. It needs some work doing,
It needs rear discs and pads (just had it waxoyled and they got it all over the brakes and they are contaminated).
Front swivel housing and ball socket replaced,
Tightening hand brake,
Oil leak from rocker cover.
Replacing the hinges which I have provided ready sprayed.

The garage quoted best part of a grand including the service. Does anybody think this is a bit steep?


Yes, has the work been done if not pop over and at the very least in one night should be able to do the brakes, I would just change the pads and clean u the discs.
Apart from the Swivel that takes a little time and usually the bolts are seized, the rest is just really routine maintenance tnat you should be able to do yourself.
He has started the work, but he's waiting for me to provide the locking wheel nut. I forgot to take it with me.
I would love to do the work but I just don't have anytime at the mo. Busy at work and with a 4 month old it's tricky.
He's taking the handbrake apart to do adjust the pads I think.
Sorry mate, I didn't read that properly. I didn't realise you were offering help. Cheers for that, I'll defo have a think and see if I can get some time to do it.

if he hasnt got the locking wheel nut he hasn't started the brakes or swivel (biggest cost)
He's taking the fecking ****.. He'll do the lot in half a day FFS... :mad:

Just heard back from the garage where my 90 td5 was having an MOT and service. It needs some work doing,
It needs rear discs and pads (just had it waxoyled and they got it all over the brakes and they are contaminated).
Front swivel housing and ball socket replaced,
Tightening hand brake,
Oil leak from rocker cover.
Replacing the hinges which I have provided ready sprayed.

The garage quoted best part of a grand including the service. Does anybody think this is a bit steep?

Have you looked at what he says needs replacing, is it a LR indipendent or general garage.
1k yeah he's a winker. tell him not to go ahead and use another garage if you want or do it yourself.
Sorry to butt in,

I've had more than that done
(Both rear wheel bearings , replaced callipers & pads , strut rods etc )
Cost me £500 all in !
Service filters aren't that expensive if you just buy a kit, it's the oil that's the most expensive part.

Just got mine back from her MOT, feeling a bit gutted handing over £280 for: MOT; replace fog lamp bulb, replace 1xrear anti roll bar link, replace bonnet cable, replace drag arm link dust cover. Maybe it's just me being tight or labour's getting ruddy expensive these days!
Usually when putting a vehicle in for MoT, any garage should just do the MoT and not take it upon themselves to start replacing stuff without your say so. They should inform you what needs doing and let you decide what to do about it. What you shouldn't do, unless you're minted and prefer not to get your hands dirty, is tell the garage just to go ahead and do anything that needs doing to pass the MoT.

Seems like a lot of money for the work involved although a new swivel joint is quite expensive. The other stuff is peanuts and you shouldn't have to change a disk just because it's got some waxoil on it. That's what degreaser/brake cleaner is for.
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I bet thats not even 150/180 quid in parts, not counting discs as it doesnt need them if all thats wrong with them is wax coating
Rear pads 30 mins
Front swivel housing 2 ish hours
Rocker gasket 30 mins incl tea break
My mots cost me 30 quid each year and I begrudge that!
I Cant believe your all handing over that sort of money for what pretty basic jobs..
even replacing the swivels isnt hard.. i did mine this summer, had never done it before just followed the landrover service manual nice an steady and had no issues.. think the kit only cost around 90 quid a side Get them spanners out boys...;).

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