Forget the beast of Bodmin and the Mysterious Big cats that roam south Wales and Exmoor. I have a foto of an hitherto unknown species of wild animal roaming Somerset & Wilts. I've named them, Salisbury Baboons or Chippicusratticus. Medusa was lucky to escape with her wiper blades intact. :eek:

Forget the beast of Bodmin and the Mysterious Big cats that roam south Wales and Exmoor. I have a foto of an hitherto unknown species of wild animal roaming Somerset & Wilts. I've named them, Salisbury Baboons or Chippicusratticus. Medusa was lucky to escape with her wiper blades intact. :eek:


It's not my fault she'd left her packed lunch in plain view. I wuz hungry.:eek:

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