
Dummy Ejection Facilitator..
Went out yesterday with some fellow LZ;ers, 5 vehicles in total. 2 90's 2 discos & a 110.


Made sure we had all the essentials. :D

Had an absolutely cracking day drove a few new lanes including one that was wet grass on a bit of a side slope, that was fun. :rolleyes:




Plenty of water around :eek:


OH & that bugger Robin bloody drownydified me when I was taking piccies of him driving thru a puddle. :mad: :mad:


Got a couple of short vids. Gotta a bigger vid to post as soon as I get a chance to edit it & post on Upube.



Ended the day by rescuing a 90 truckcab that had got himself stuck in the submarine pens. :D
Great pics and videos, looks like you had a grand day out.


There's always one.
Great pics :D

Would love to take mine up some lanes :D Need some nice open ones with no scratchy branches though :D
Looks like you peeps had a good day :D really peed off that i missed it will be up for the next one ;) thanks Robint for the invite, stripped threads on my sump plug stopped play :doh:
Nice day tho.. was great to meet a couple more LZers :D

Btw bucky .. wheres the piccies and vids? :D

having a problem with the vids cant seem to download um to photobucket :mad: i sent 1 to ratty to see if he could post it and he had the same problem so its not just me being a techno-phobe :rolleyes:
and before anyone else comments fook off!!

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