The answer is: ditch the AMP meter and fit a clock ;)

that's not what the question was :p

i see a lot of ridicule, rolling of eyes and peeps attempting to give an answer.

but what i don't see is an actual answer to a simple question.
(to someone who knows what they're on about anyway)
Lets put it this way: if the guy isn't sure how to install the ammeter safely - maybe he should get an auto sparky to install it - so he isn't awoken by the sound of fire engines arriving outside his house to extinguish the vehicle fire on his drive ;)
wheres yo primary fuse
what current will the ammeter read?
what current do yu wish to monitor.

yu cant answer the without the correct data. its too easy to set fire to the car if yu dont know wot yu are doing.
Noo ones have an external shunt that wires into the feed from battery to main distribution point Usually near Fusebox and then feeds result to actual gauge

whilst we were sharing in a heady combination of sarc, electrical quadrations and despair i did answer a lot of the questions.


already have a volt meter (and a clock!)

the defender catching fire would be bad! so i guess that the consensus of the more knowledgeable members is that amp meters suck and add no measurable value

someone asked what i want to measure, current drain on the battery as a result of electrical components on and off.

i am now at the point of every other post on the topic in every landy forum.... forget the idea, find a nice pretty round photo frame and put it over the amp meter... lol

thanks for giving me a giggle at the very least.


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