
New Member
So, I have wanted a Defender 90 since I was a kid, and now it is do-able, so I am going for it. With the EPA cut-off being 21 years and the DOT being 25, I can bring home a 25+ year old 90 with little hassle. I am coming to you guys for information on where I should fly in, stay, and visit while I am over there. As I understand, the UK isn't the fastest place you can get around, so I would like to stay in an area that will have lots of old landy's lying around, while still being a good place to go as a tourist. I could really care less about seeing Big Ben, but am more interested in a good beer selection and friendly people.

Also, if anyone can shed some light on how to drive legally over there, that would be great. From what I understand, all I need is a current MOT and TAX disc for the car to be legal. I have been told, then, that I will need to purchase temporary insurance for myself. Correct? Thanks a ton!
Not being biased or anything:D but I would go for Yorkshire, good transport links :scratching_chin:an there are plenty of old leafers knocking about....but be wary of the 52 plates on a 85 reg :rofl:

And with regards to driving legally then yes as long as it is taxed and mot'd with insurance then you would be fine..how at you getting the car home?? As you could pick one up cheaper without any tax.mot and have it transported to the ports..or are you wanting to have a bimble around in your new trusty steed..
Head much further north and come to Scotland ;) you'll never meet a friendlier people and if you've never tried irn bru you're in for a treat :p.

As for things to do and see I'd suggest either Glasgow or Edinburgh (though I'm more biased towards Glasgow).
I do have some friends over there who's address I can use for insurance, so hopefully that will be ok.

I just spoke to the importer I am going to be using, and he ships out of southampton, so I am going to end up having to stay toward the south.
Don't stay too far South. By staying nearer the Midlands you will get a wider choice of vehicles within reasonable travel and the beauty of the UK over the USA is that nothing is too far away. Somewhere like Oxford would put you within 1 hour (ish) of London/Birmingham/Southampton/Bristol for the tourism as well as many potential sources of suitable Land Rovers.

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