

Today my 02 TD4, Amber warning lights for the TC & HDC came on and will not go off and i have no idea what is wrong as the ABS still works. As well as this i have noticed that when the car is going around some bends or roundabouts the wheels will screech even at low speed can any one

Hi Sparkie,

Can't remember the name of the unit (? ABS modulator), but it's got something to do with the brakes, and is shared with the Disco 2. Basically there are flutter valves in it which, if you don't use HDC or ABS, jam shut after a period (it was common in 4 year old Discos that had been used solely on road) so during the test at start up the computer recognises an error, hence the lights.

I don't know if this is a cure, but you may as well try, but I do know it works as a preventative... activate the HDC. The easiset way to do this is to press the HDC button, accelerate in 1st and then let your foot off the gas pedal. The computer gets 'scared' and applies the brakes (with much grinding noise) but all the flutter valves are operated so they don't become stuck.

Don't know if it will work once the warning light is on (HDC may have been disabled) but good luck... they're expensive units to replace.

...Or it could be an ABS sensor!
Before you rip the abs unit out change your brake light switch same lights on mine switch just wasnt fitted right but those lights can indicate a switch fault switch about £11 modulator alot more me thinks...good luck matey...:)
tried the brake light switch and seams to be OK as well as the wipers.
i also disconnected and reconnected the ABS sensors, this showed an ABS fault but this cleared after 10 seconds of driving and the ABS works on the road. The cat is going back to the local stealer ship soon so i will post the results of this
I Remember There Being A Thing With The Hdc Light On Here Before, Something About The Wire Chaffing Through And Shorting Out Somewhere Near The Gear Lever ;)
Yeah, lift the plastic up around the gear knob and check the wiring for the switch is intact.



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