
New Member
On July 4, Amazon spammed its customers with advertisement of Norman Finkelstein's virulently anti-Semitic book, Image and Reality of the Israeli-Palestine Conflict. On May 30, Amazon similarly advertised Beyond Chutzpah: on the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History. I have never received any other ad from Amazon.On April 4, in an unprecedented move, Amazon deleted all reviews of Obadiah Shoher's Samson Blinded: A Machiavellian Perspective on the Middle East Conflict. A few days later, Amazon forced its subsidiary Booksurge to terminate publishing contract with Shoher whose book is now available for download from . Google earlier banned advertising of the Samson Blinded for "unacceptable content." Shoher, indeed, is pro-Israeli, yet realistic and critical of Israeli policies.Obadiah Shoher, an anonymous politician, abandons myths and moralizing in favor of realpolitik. He argues for raw efficiency of antiterrorist operations and shedding liberal idealism. Shoher asks inconvenient questions and gives honest answers. Amazon does not like that. Anti-Semitic lampoons by Norman Finkelstein are more to Amazon's taste.
please don't bring your political bull**** onto this site we are sick of it, if you type political forum into google then i'm sure you will find a forum with a load of do gooders with nothing more than time on their hands, looking for this months crusade to support. that way you can all sprout your political clap trap until your hearts are content, and basically you will all be like minmded so that way you can bore each other rather than try to bore us. good evening ;)
yella disco said:
please don't bring your political bull**** onto this site we are sick of it, if you type political forum into google then i'm sure you will find a forum with a load of do gooders with nothing more than time on their hands, looking for this months crusade to support. that way you can all sprout your political clap trap until your hearts are content, and basically you will all be like minmded so that way you can bore each other rather than try to bore us. good evening ;)

Regards WP.
Sorry but I find it difficult to be polite. Shiela what the **** gives you the right to barge in here spouting your ****e? As the guys have said this is a Land Rover forum, period. You didn't even attempt to do the decent thing and post in the general area but in a Landie specific one. So please take your rants and **** off !
On July 4, Amazon spammed its customers with advertisement of Norman Finkelstein's virulently anti-Semitic book, Image and Reality of the Israeli-Palestine Conflict. On May 30, Amazon similarly advertised Beyond Chutzpah: on the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History. I have never received any other ad from Amazon.On April 4, in an unprecedented move, Amazon deleted all reviews of Obadiah Shoher's Samson Blinded: A Machiavellian Perspective on the Middle East Conflict. A few days later, Amazon forced its subsidiary Booksurge to terminate publishing contract with Shoher whose book is now available for download from . Google earlier banned advertising of the Samson Blinded for "unacceptable content." Shoher, indeed, is pro-Israeli, yet realistic and critical of Israeli policies.Obadiah Shoher, an anonymous politician, abandons myths and moralizing in favor of realpolitik. He argues for raw efficiency of antiterrorist operations and shedding liberal idealism. Shoher asks inconvenient questions and gives honest answers. Amazon does not like that. Anti-Semitic lampoons by Norman Finkelstein are more to Amazon's taste.
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Oooooohhh, do you know the thing they get up to nowadays, the buggers
Go back to your controllers and tell them you are a crap recruiter as you cant even get your URL right it’s .ORG not .COM
I'm new to the Landy forum, only joined last week and so far have had a good laugh going through the various posts. That was until I came across this crap. So being a newcomer to the forum I want to ask a question. Can the site administrators not just delete this post altogether, and this may encourage these f**kwits to keep off the site..
Hello All

By the looks of things this T*AT has been on lots of forums !!!!!!!

With a bit of luck they will get WA*KERS CRAMP !!!!!!!
Paranoia is the UN-reasonable fear that everyone is against you.

They are suffering from a reality crisis.
You clearly have no idea the negative reaction you generate when posting this.

Isn't bombing the **** out of civilians in Labanon enough? Do you want to explain the belligerant occupation of Palestine? Why has Israel ignored the 4th Geneva convention since 1967? Explain Al-Haram Al-Sharif. Wriggle your way out of "war crimes, flagrant violations of international humanitarian law and crimes against humanity." (not my words, those of the UN). At what point does a crime against humanity become genocide? But you're more worried about a book becuase you can't bomb it out of existence.

Oh, but most importantly, can I put a 2" lift on a short wheelbase Amazon?
Widget said:
I prefer my Amazons to be 6' tall with big tits. 2" lift is just a fantasy:p
I'd need more than a 2" lift to be able to reach one of those gorgeous 6' amazon lasses.

Regards WP.
ah but it an infringement of their 'uman rights? many israelis can you get under a landrover? answers ..please, I am sure someone will think up a dozen replies
Sounds Too complicated to me. I like things simple, like me' Landy.
I am sure there is a 'Lets Talk Utter ****e' forum out there.- Go find it!!!!!!
I say lets stick to Landys -


Politics? Who needs it??????????