Some lead flashing stuck to the inside of door panels ( and any other panels ) will lower resonance and decrease the noise a bit. Bulkhead sound-deadening will make the biggest difference as it's the engine making most of the noise!
Also going to try adding 400ml of 2-stroke oil when I next fill up, heard so many things about it making old diesel engines quiete-something to do with new diesel having less sulphur so less lubrication. So it should increase lubrication and reduce noise a bit. Some people also claim more mpg

Some people think the world is flat, doesn't mean it is! :rolleyes:

It wont make it quieter, it may make it smoke, it may knacker your injector pump. It will probably just lie in the bottom of your fuel tank in a pool, as it doesn't mix well in diesel.

If you are worried about fuel lubricity, get a proper fuel additive, google Millers for starters.
Also going to try adding 400ml of 2-stroke oil when I next fill up, heard so many things about it making old diesel engines quiete-something to do with new diesel having less sulphur so less lubrication. So it should increase lubrication and reduce noise a bit. Some people also claim more mpg

Been there, done that. It didn't make any noticeable difference. May have some placebo effect. 400 ml seems quite a lot?
The engine blanket I will buy is a pretty big lump of lead that goes between the bulkhead and the engine and also over the engine partly, hope it helps. From what I read there seems to be loads of people who swear by it, but it has to be old rather than synthetic 2-stroke to mix with the diesel, 400ml would be for a full tank (alegedly 200:1 ratio), and supposed to take 2-3 tanks to take affect
The engine blanket I will buy is a pretty big lump of lead that goes between the bulkhead and the engine and also over the engine partly, hope it helps. From what I read there seems to be loads of people who swear by it, but it has to be old rather than synthetic 2-stroke to mix with the diesel, 400ml would be for a full tank (alegedly 200:1 ratio), and supposed to take 2-3 tanks to take affect

Give it a go a see what happens, you're right that it needs to be mineral based, normally red in colour. Let us know what happens!
I will let everyone know after a few tanks :) worst case scenario don`t think it would do any damage to my 200tdi, not in that amount anyway
The engine blanket I will buy is a pretty big lump of lead that goes between the bulkhead and the engine and also over the engine partly, hope it helps. From what I read there seems to be loads of people who swear by it, but it has to be old rather than synthetic 2-stroke to mix with the diesel, 400ml would be for a full tank (alegedly 200:1 ratio), and supposed to take 2-3 tanks to take affect

A good friend of mine down here read this rubbish about two stroke oil, and put it in his tank. When we removed his fuel tank to do a few jobs, the (mineral) two stroke was lying undissolved in the bottom of the tank.

This persuaded him to stop putting the bloody stuff in, since which he has been delighted with the improvement in the running of his vehicle.

Two stroke oil is not made to mix in diesel, it is made to mix in petrol. Also it is not formulated lubricate a fuel pump, but to lubricate a two stroke engine, in which it is burnt.

The really funny thing is, it is actually cheaper to buy a proper additive, which is designed for the job,and is added in tiny quantities, than the oil! :lol:

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