
Well-Known Member
l was driving along the other day in my 110 and suddenly heard what l could only describe as a ringtone

My phone was turned off. The car audio system was off.

The sound was difficult to pinpoint but it stopped after six rings.

l am now concerned that someone planted a phone on my vehicle but l can't find it anywhere. Any ideas as to where it could be? l assume it's outside the Land Rover somewhere but have looked underneath and can't see anything
Paranoid, me? Who said that?

You are being tracked and watched, trust nobody, wear tinfoil underwear and never ever look in the rear view mirror (it has a hidden camera).

Passing deaf motorist as @jimS suggests…..
Short of getting a cellphone radio detector from the local spy shop, --- You know how GSM phones can intefere with cheap powered speakers (like pc speakers). giving you that di di di dit dah sould through the speakers? Maybe you can test it with that? Unless the phone is plugged in to power it will also probably discharge in a day or 5.
TPTB are on to you big style.
You are being closely monitored for subversive thought patterns.
If you don't watch out it will be room 101 for you.
Put your Bluetooth settings on you phone & have a search for devices.
Them little tracking things for your keys work like this and are easily fixed to a motor. As for a phone…. Not many places it can be stuck without been seen
Put your Bluetooth settings on you phone & have a search for devices.
Them little tracking things for your keys work like this and are easily fixed to a motor. As for a phone…. Not many places it can be stuck without been seen
Perhaps a recent passenger had their phone slide out of their pocket and under a seat?
I lost mine for 3 days like that, and blu-tooth headset.
Step 3: Use an Electronic Sweeper
This device is seen in popular spy movies and actually exists! It can be purchased online or at surveillance supply retailers. An electronic sweeper checks for the presence of a radio-frequency transmission or a cellular-signal transmission and indicates its existence to the electronic sweeper’s user.

Sweepers come in varying shapes and sizes, from a pen that conceals the device to a small, cassette tape-sized unit. They scan for a wide range of radio frequencies and alert you of nearby signals with an audible tone, flashing light, or vibration.

person using sweeper while walking around car

To use the bug detector or sweeper, turn it on and slowly walk around your vehicle. Place it near any location you suspect a tracking device may be placed and in all the locations mentioned above. A light, vibration, or audible signal on the bug sweeper will indicate whether there is a radio frequency being transmitted nearby. The signal will indicate when you are getting close by illuminating more lights or changing its tone.

Tip: Because some tracking devices only operate while in motion, have a friend drive your vehicle around while you scan for trackers.
Information by Jason Unrau
have a read at 2.54

That looks small enough to fit inside an ECU during s repair.
Just thinking so many places a thing of that size could be squirreled away underneath a Defender and so hard to spot. It looks like Apple have given this some thought though (not necessarily for the Defender) with the ability to find unwanted devices with an iPhone.

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