
New Member
hi all first real post from a newbie so pease be gentle lol
ok so i bought a 5 door 300 tdi on a m reg needing some welding as you do i figured i would fit box section into the sills (120 x 60) to be a little bit lower to allow for some rock /tree sliders to be welded on the side
so thats the basics lol
after much measuring and debating with my mate i decided to go for it cutting all of the outer sill off 50 mm into the footwell but leaving the door columb in place
so ive got all the prep work done 120 x 60 x 3 with a 50 x 50 x 3 tree slider box welded across the bottom edge of the 120 x 60 box up into the space now available looks really solid tacked it into place then stood back with a cup of tea as you do so now instead of a square sill i have a l shaped slider type sill excellent thumbs up well chuffed ..........:D
decided to call it a day due to loss of light so packed away my tools and shut the car and came indoors ............
woke up the following day and went to see my new rock sliders with a big cheesy smile all the way across my face went into the garage and noticed that the outer box was not straight :eek: it looked like it had 20+mm gap under the front wing and no gap at all at the rear door ???????
ive checked my measurments checked the body lines but cannot figure out why it isnt straight i havent bent the floor the doors havent dropped im at witts end has anybody had anything like this or could anyone suggest what ive done wrong please
have you welded all of it or just part of it?

and how did you weld it fromone end to the other in a continuous line or tack sections and then infill?
hi and welcome

did mine the same about 18mths ago(used 120x60x5) and had same issue.
if you look at a disco with the plastic sills still on you'll see that they have a slight curve to em so unless the box section has the same curve it'll end up like ours!!!!
once its painted black and covered in mud you can hardly tell!

post some pics so we can all see your handywork
thanks for the replies
firstly i tacked it together every 8" or so then fully welded them together i used a stick welder with loads of amps on to get some good penetration,
secondly ? curve ? is that just the plastic trims or the sills im almost certain that the sills are straight (i think ) im going to have another look today maybe ill try finding the plastic trims first though
the trims are curved to fit the shape of the doors and hide the straight sill.
if you search for disco rocksliders on stealbay or google most are listed as being curved to fit.
i wouldnt let it bother you too much-as i said, mines been like it for 18mths or so and through 2 mot's and i don't notice it now!!
i figured it out its not just the trim thats curved its the bloody doors the drivers door is shorter one side than it is the other the front door is 15mm shorter at the door post than the back were the handle is
can someone check theres to see if they are supposed to be like that ?
i measured from the black plastic trim on the door down to the bottom edge and its even more obvious when you sit on the floor with the door open looking at the door card you can see the door bottom is just the bent over lip at the front and 15mm longer at the back ?????? if this is how they are (what a stupid idea ) this was obviously some kide with a wonkey ruler who drew the original plans for the doors lol
the trims are curved to fit the shape of the doors and hide the straight sill.

like i said above, the doors are curved so the only way to get it level is too build curved sills and sliders, which is why most manufacturers sell them shaped to fit the discoverys curved doors
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