I'd say its pretty easy to convert.......all you need is a standalone clutch pedal along with the gearbox, flywheel and clutch
Got a manual at moment and have had automatic v8s !! Both ok, just seems lot of hassle to change when there are plenty for sale :)
That's what I thought dr. Can't seem to find a cheap v8 manual. This one is going for less than tdi
What the good Dr said '****e' mine was a pig ! Manual much better, now got Tdi and getting rid of V8 ! Even with LPG fuel is costing a fortune ( get about 130 miles if lucky to £35 + LPG)
Hoping to get much better with Tdi even with extra kit on
Lol when off roading always miles from LPG garage so bought a pump and took gas bottles, even got gas to go home on off burger van as we'd had so much fun n used more than expected. All good fun !!!!
Auto are better offroad. No proxy clutch to worry about, the power is put down more gently, find yourself in the wrong gear when hill climbing it simply changes down, same in sand.
V8's sound great but I 'very heard too many coughing on 7 cylinders after a small puddle.
After owning all possible combinations of D1's, a low spec 300 tdi auto with no sunroofs is my choice.

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