áú cóntráíré, I had to google how to write froggy, but I accept your praise.:D

They're called aigu's. (acute)
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For 2/300 pounds more get yourself one without issues - or one that you know exactly whats wrong with it - personally I'd leave well alone.
It's cheap for a reason:eek:...
Faire gaffe !!
Dead engine. However if the rest of the car is in good condition, at £700 and if you like V8's, I reckon it's worth a punt. Might even be able to haggle the price down a bit. Replace or repair the engine and you have a good car for not a lot of money..
Dead engine. However if the rest of the car is in good condition, at £700 and if you like V8's, I reckon it's worth a punt. Might even be able to haggle the price down a bit. Replace or repair the engine and you have a good car for not a lot of money..
Good point buddy.. depending on anything else going on his life, but if it's his thang', go for it:cool:
For my opinion I reckon don't bother get one that's got no significant issues . In fact get one that's been rebuilt with top hats, is a Thor, and a 4.6. I just think block issues are so common it's not worth fixing anything else if that has issues .
These fixer-uppers usually end up on the market after Billy Bicycle Spanner has faffed with them for three months and given up.
But this guy is no stranger to spanners or pain and is an enthusiast. I'm with Datatek, if the rest of the car is mint, he knows the history and knows it is a gaskets job minimum and liners max, plus the inevitable curve balls you don't see then he could end up with a real nice motor and he'll be sure everything is fixed because he fixed it.
For my opinion I reckon don't bother get one that's got no significant issues . In fact get one that's been rebuilt with top hats, is a Thor, and a 4.6. I just think block issues are so common it's not worth fixing anything else if that has issues .
There is no such thing as a P38 without issues, even if there are none at the time of purchase they will come along shortly. Starting out with a rebuilt engine eliminates one source of problems.

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