Bit late to reply to this, but fix it where you want, maybe offer to redecorate the room afterwards, everyone's a winner.
I need some input from some of my fellow female LZoner's, i,ve just brought an old motorbike as a project and the plan was to do it up over the winter, i can just about squeeze it into my garage but it will be a tight fit to work on. Whilst twiddling my thumbs waiting for the rain to stop before i went back out to play, it suddenly occurred to me that i had the perfect location to rebuild my bike, the back room! now before everybody tells me what a stupid idea this is, let me just set the scene about the state of the room, it has'nt been decorated in ten years, there is an old dismantled bed frame against one wall, a tumble drier, various piles of i don't know what, that havn't moved since we moved in fifteen years ago, a dogs bed and food/water bowls, a broken down washing machine and a lump of lino on the floor that Noah rejected for the Ark as to worn out! when i put this plan of mine to the lady of the manor, you would have thought that i had asked her to partake in some kind of sexually deviant behaviour! (this would'nt be the first time!) so am i being unreasonable? your thoughts please:scratching_chin::scratching_chin::scratching_chin:

Just what kind of sexually deviant behaviour?
Dogs bed in there already? Looks like you are in the right place :D
I've tried the "when the project is finished, i'l decorate approach" and she's not buying into it, apparently i'm a, and i qoute "bull****ting bastard" when i want to get my own way! the cheek of the woman, i let her live under my roof, eat my food, share my bed and let her cook and iron for me, what more could a woman ask for? i need to find a new angle of attack or this project is dead in the water, although i have managed to get one of my four daughters on my side, just need to persuade the other three and wifey and i'm off and running
I've rebuilt a few bikes in rooms, front, back etc .. including having a Suzuki Katana 1000 engine in the bathroom for a while!

I also used to park a Kawasaki KX 250 in a front room for a month or so .. nowhere else safe to put it!

I currently have parts of a winch in front of me, well, to the side, in the front room while I type this on the laptop.

If the wife didn't like it, she knew what she could do .. I don't mind her doing womens chores, ironing, washing etc in the house ... :)
You have been together too long , she now feels secure , and so she is trying to exercise her control, when you are first together they are unsure , and will agree to most things , but bide their time , and then start trying to change you , to what they envisioned right from the beginning , keeping them nervous is the answer but you are too late , not a lot you can do :(
I've tried the "when the project is finished, i'l decorate approach" and she's not buying into it, apparently i'm a, and i qoute "bull****ting bastard" when i want to get my own way! the cheek of the woman, i let her live under my roof, eat my food, share my bed and let her cook and iron for me, what more could a woman ask for? i need to find a new angle of attack or this project is dead in the water, although i have managed to get one of my four daughters on my side, just need to persuade the other three and wifey and i'm off and running


there you go, wimmin with daughters and logic not in the same sentence...

this I do know ... :D
Why don't you clear out the room this weekend, buy some paint, put dust sheets down... Then bring the bike in and start fixing it... Then you're kind of half way done with the decorating and the bike's there so... May as well stay there.
Isn't it white paper coveralls and oversocks for the Lexus:)

lol.. :D

would have been perhaps, but daughter no. 2 has had it for a couple of months, along with 5yo georgey......

I expect to find girlie things (Make up, eye lashes,shoes, parking tickets, & stuff) in the front and 5year olds bits in the back when I look.....

so in theory white overalls yes, but in practice just my old overalls but maybe washed first ;) louder.....

her blimmin KA runs on the bank of dad as it is, and todays spend on it was "only" £79-95 for some tax....
yesterdays MOT came to £35 for the mot fail, then retest I was happy with so gave the chap a £ least he was happy..
I should do a thread called the barsteward KA,
and Itemise it all, but that`ll make me so unhappy,
more so with "muvver" saying
"stop bl00dy moaning - its your daughter -
(see earlier reference to wimmin & daughters)

so, stick the bike in the spare room, then face the flak latter coz it`ll come alright....:D

good luck -
I agree, tell her when you finish the bike you will sort the room bit of paint new floor etc

Steps in the right direction, but maybe OP needs to use a bit more strategy.
Pave the way by first suggesting that you want to knock out a section of the front wall to bring your landy in to work on. Then soften your stance to just bringing in the bike ;)

On a serious note, I have worked on bikes, and other largeish bits of kit in the house before, it does no harm if the kit is clean and you use sheeting etc. :)
I need some input from some of my fellow female LZoner's, i,ve just brought an old motorbike as a project and the plan was to do it up over the winter, i can just about squeeze it into my garage but it will be a tight fit to work on. Whilst twiddling my thumbs waiting for the rain to stop before i went back out to play, it suddenly occurred to me that i had the perfect location to rebuild my bike, the back room! now before everybody tells me what a stupid idea this is, let me just set the scene about the state of the room, it has'nt been decorated in ten years, there is an old dismantled bed frame against one wall, a tumble drier, various piles of i don't know what, that havn't moved since we moved in fifteen years ago, a dogs bed and food/water bowls, a broken down washing machine and a lump of lino on the floor that Noah rejected for the Ark as to worn out! when i put this plan of mine to the lady of the manor, you would have thought that i had asked her to partake in some kind of sexually deviant behaviour! (this would'nt be the first time!) so am i being unreasonable? your thoughts please:scratching_chin::scratching_chin::scratching_chin:

quick question once said bike is rebuilt can you get it back out of the room in one piece?? i know i get **** of my hubby for storing all the landy stuff in the cellar, never mind suggestion to him that i rebuild my bikes in the house!! jesus he'd have a coronary lol mind you wouldnt get em in my house so that stumped that, was debating doing my sons mini moto in the kitchen the other day, but not quite got round to doing that yet but it's on the cards :D

quick question once said bike is rebuilt can you get it back out of the room in one piece?? i know i get **** of my hubby for storing all the landy stuff in the cellar, never mind suggestion to him that i rebuild my bikes in the house!! jesus he'd have a coronary lol mind you wouldnt get em in my house so that stumped that, was debating doing my sons mini moto in the kitchen the other day, but not quite got round to doing that yet but it's on the cards :D


Who wears the trousers in your house then? :D
Having read all the replies so far, Rosie has come up with an approach i might try this weekend, wifey is going christmas shopping with her mate, so she'll be in a good mood when she comes back, a nice clear out of all the junk, a few tins of paint and maybe a token bit of wallpaper stripping might just swing it! i can hide the bike under a dust sheet in the corner and hopefully she won't notice for a while, and just for the record very occasionally i'm allowed to wear the trousers in my own home!!! what could possibly go wrong?:pound::pound:

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