
Well-Known Member
Hi all,

When I am working (as a matter of speech of course) on this forum I have to doubleclick on the upper left hand corner bleu circle with a white, pointing to the left arrow, when I want to go back from a thread to the list of threads. (Or if I want to go back a page to formulate it simpler). Only on this forum I have to do that, on all the other places I virtually visit one mouseclick is enough to have that facility operating, only here not. Am I alone having to do this and if yes, does this mean I won a prize or what ??? :hysterically_laughi
If you mean 'The back button' then no! you are not alone cos I have to double click the back button too!!!!!!

Hi all,

When I am working (as a matter of speech of course) on this forum I have to doubleclick on the upper left hand corner bleu circle with a white, pointing to the left arrow, when I want to go back from a thread to the list of threads. (Or if I want to go back a page to formulate it simpler). Only on this forum I have to do that, on all the other places I virtually visit one mouseclick is enough to have that facility operating, only here not. Am I alone having to do this and if yes, does this mean I won a prize or what ??? :hysterically_laughi
I think this may be a 'Belgium thing' as I also experience this phenomenon whenever I am using my laptop whilst working in Brusselles.
Same here with IE7, have to double click to go back a page. probably down to some Microshaft update cock up...........
Yes, it's the backbutton I mean. And not a Belgian speciality (other than our beer and chocolates....:D ) as the other Belgian sites I visit no such need to do, nor on the UK competitor's site....:p Just on this one. And yes, it's the IE I'm using, think it's SP2 (or possibly the later version, think I downloaded it when they asked me one day? As no computernerd at all, is there a place/way I can check which one I'm running on ?)
Yes, it's the backbutton I mean. And not a Belgian speciality (other than our beer and chocolates....:D ) as the other Belgian sites I visit no such need to do, nor on the UK competitor's site....:p Just on this one. And yes, it's the IE I'm using, think it's SP2 (or possibly the later version, think I downloaded it when they asked me one day? As no computernerd at all, is there a place/way I can check which one I'm running on ?)

With an Internet explorer window open just click on the help tab and then on the 'about internet explorer' option. Should give you the IE version (I'm using version 7 atm).
i have to double click the back button aswel, also to open the search box i have to right click then select open, once it is open the main search box is full of letters and numbers i have to delete before i can use it.
I also have to double click to go back. Running IE 6 sp2. Only recently had this problem, and only on this site.
I'd guess it's possibly to do with the forum stealing focus, so you have to click outside the forum windw to move focus outside, then click again to activate any buttons.
I'd guess it's possibly to do with the forum stealing focus, so you have to click outside the forum windw to move focus outside, then click again to activate any buttons.

this even if the only window open still needs 2 clicks!
It's only a guess ... ;)

The forum is a separate script running within a window, and which needs the focus on it for you to move/do anything within it. When you want to do something outside the forum the computer needs telling to shift the focus from the forum to the window it's being run within, which is one click, after which you can then click and work normally outside the forum.

Just a guess, I might be wrong, but it seems logical to me.
Hi all,

When I am working (as a matter of speech of course) on this forum I have to doubleclick on the upper left hand corner bleu circle with a white, pointing to the left arrow, when I want to go back from a thread to the list of threads. (Or if I want to go back a page to formulate it simpler). Only on this forum I have to do that, on all the other places I virtually visit one mouseclick is enough to have that facility operating, only here not. Am I alone having to do this and if yes, does this mean I won a prize or what ??? :hysterically_laughi

to go back to the list of threads i use the Land Rover Freelander link at th e top of the page.

With an Internet explorer window open just click on the help tab and then on the 'about internet explorer' option. Should give you the IE version (I'm using version 7 atm).

Hi synapse,

Thanks for this, checked and I'm running version 7 as well. (version 7.0. etc....)

i have to double click the back button aswel, also to open the search box i have to right click then select open, once it is open the main search box is full of letters and numbers i have to delete before i can use it.

im in england, and i have to double click, again only on this site! im on IE6

I also have to double click to go back. Running IE 6 sp2. Only recently had this problem, and only on this site.

All three things I have to do too.
Hi all,

When I am working (as a matter of speech of course) on this forum I have to doubleclick on the upper left hand corner bleu circle with a white, pointing to the left arrow, when I want to go back from a thread to the list of threads. (Or if I want to go back a page to formulate it simpler). Only on this forum I have to do that, on all the other places I virtually visit one mouseclick is enough to have that facility operating, only here not. Am I alone having to do this and if yes, does this mean I won a prize or what ??? :hysterically_laughi
I have the same issue willo, I am using IE 7.
Only had this problem the last few months, could someone from Landyzone explain ?:confused2:
I have the same issue willo, I am using IE 7.
Only had this problem the last few months, could someone from Landyzone explain ?:confused2:

Indeed, only since a couple of months. This is the only site where I have to do this doubleclicking out of the 4 sites I daily visit plus, if some sparetime left, the Elvis Presley gospel serial of 2lisamaria on YouTube. Very annoying.
i know what is happening,
if ya go into your page history you get pagead2.googlesyndication.com/cp

so looks like googles having a peek at whatever page your lookin at:rolleyes:

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