
Active Member
Hi all,

My alternators been making a loud rattling and the alt belt has been worked loose a couple of times in the few weeks I've owned the landy. (1992 200tdi defender).

Got round to whipping the fan and cowl off (for good), and went about sorting out the alternator rattle.

Turns out it's only been held on by the adjuster bolt, and the main pivot bolt/ bolts are missing! :eek:

The trouble is, that the rear mount hole on the steering pump bracket seems to be plugged with something:confused:. Without actually seeing the back of the bracket I can't be sure what's up but if I'm not mistaken, there should be one pivot bolt that runs from the front of the alt to the back, and it certainly appears as though that's sheared. There's a good 40mm of thread at the front mount, so I can get a bolt in there no problem, but without taking the PAS bracket off, and inspecting the rear mount I can only assume that the old bolt is still stuck in the rear mount.

If that is indeed the case, I have only one option, which is to just fit the front alt bolt, and the adjuster bolt, and hope that it stays tightly in place with regular checking.

Anybody got any better ideas, or am I totally wrong?
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OK, I had a similar problem on mine and fgound that the alternator and PS pump bracket wa held on to the block with (IIRC) 4 short bolts.

I finished up drilling straight through the hole and putting an M8 piece of studding threough, which solved the problem.

Hope this helps :)
Cheers mate. I planned to do exactly the same thing, but the bolts holding the PAS pump bracket on, look pretty corroded, and don't want to risk snapping them.

I've just attached the alt with the front pivot bolt, and the adjuster bolt, and it's not moving at all. I'll take her for a drive tomorrow and providing the alt doesn't become loose it should be okay at least until the summer when the days are longer and warmer, and I can whip the PAS pump off and as you say drill the old bolt out and replace with some M8 studding.

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