Hi all from Hong Kong. I have used this forum for help on some elec. probs on a customers 98 4.0SE Auto. It has been very useful, thanks.
I may have somthing to offer on the Alt. Fault probs.
I seem to have fixed this one by adding a fused wire from an ign. source, through a
5W 12V bulb then to the D+ terminal ( same one as goes to/from BECM, brown/yellow,
leave connected!) on the Alt. You could also use a relay, I haven't yet!.
This works as a charge light and seems to work fine. The power seemed not to be
enough from the BECM to fire the alt.
I strongly advise you all to try this BEFORE buying a new Alt.
Thanks again for the help, I'm sure I'll be back, my mum in the UK has a 97 4.6HSE with all sorts of probs!