
Active Member
Hi guys,

I have a 200tdi Disco. I've had problems with the alternator belt slipping and getting loose/shredding on and off over the past year. Now the battery light is staying on when the ignition is off and draining the battery overnight. Weirdly, the light is not on when its running and the alternator is supplying 14v when the belt is tight and not slipping. Since putting a charged up battery in, it now seems to be raising the idle to 1200-1300rpm sometimes and sometimes it is sitting at 900rpm where it usually is.

I presume something has failed on the alternator; diode or regulator or something by what I've found online.

I just wanted to know whether it is best to buy a part to repair the alternator, seeing as it is able to charge, or is best to replace?
Buy the parts and have a bash at mending it your self

has the actual engine revs gone up or is your rev counter reading wrong due to your faulty Alt ( as it gets a signal from the Alt)
stick a new/replacement unit on. Can be a pig to replace diode pack, plus you still have to find them for sale. A replacement unit should give you a warranty and possibly peace of mind knowing the unit has been proprly check/repaired.
When a battery is low or if you put a big demand on it the Alternator is loaded more which will drop the tick over down a bit.
Does sound like the diode is failing creating enough current path back through the alternator to light the ignition lamp and drain the battery, worth trying a fix first.

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