Myself and a few friends are working on getting bobtails amongst other things allowed in the ALRC, it's early days yet so can't say too much.
Bobtail, argh you heathen! Wash your mouth out with EP90. Lol.

Yes it's about time the rules for RTV were relaxed. I have watched the membership numbers of ALRC dwindle over the decades due to the restrictions. People make what appear simple mods and are told to go away. So they do. Some of the non already clubs are thriving.

When I started out 20 years ago I was told I could not compete in my 109 because I had a Perkins 4203. What possible advantage it could have given me over a standard motor I could not see!

Wheel spacers - banned - why?
2" suspension lift - banned
Modified bumpers - banned

And the list of everyday mods banned goes on FFS!

I have heard rumours the alrc are looking to allow non standard motors. But after 20 year's I won't hold my breath.

But if we want to stay viable then the sooner the better.

Phew rant over
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I can see where they are coming from, where do you draw the line with mods? So saying no mod keeps things on a level playing field. But I still don't see why some are not allowed. Maybe things will change. Should a questionnaire be sent to every club of what can and can't enter. Or should they come up with a points scheme live VOSA. Too many mod, too many points your out? Just a thought.......
They made a big step by allowing non std bumpers aslong as they allow no greater advantage I know owl has been working on some really good ideas and I hope some leeway is given but in the same way I wouldn't want the Awdc system

A modified class or a couple if modified classes should allow more open motors except
Diff locks unless factory fit.

Owl has a more comprehensive list of mods
I have to say its a tough one, I modify my lr because I enjoy doing it and cos I can! So why should that affect me when it comes to entering comps. But it's not necessarily fair on people who dont.

Maybe they should have a class system... standard, modified but stll road legal and the full out unlimited class.

All the groups could either run at once and be grouped on a winner's list or run in seperat stages, that way theres still lots of people attending!
Lol, they already have 11 classes! And they have not really managed to incorporate the newer vehicles, they are stuck on pre P38 rangies.

Certainly I think we all feel there should be a non standard leaf, a non standard coil and possibly even a non land rover class
At the end of the day, in a trial it is usually down to the driver, not the vehicle that produces the results. Only occasionally is it something like the wheel size that stops you.

At the last trial we had a couple of sections where I bottomed out due to 205/16 tyres. But most of the events this year it was just me getting it wrong.
Seriously considering getting the 90 back to std take the axle lockers out some 33 inch diamonds and lose the roof rack and winch bumper. Ow can imagine the gearing on 33 inch tyres screaming at 45 mph!

Need to decide........ I may become a cvlrc member yet! Something I thought I'd never say!
Both are not unable to unlock and banned which is fair.

Trying to find terrain that will stop lockered up trialers will be more difficult plus trailing is about keeping wheels on the ground so one skill would be lost.

My rear one is a Detroit rear and the front is a lock right which has been promised to Spyderman anyway when I get around to removing it

I have plenty of 4 pin units to replace them with I really need to have a sit down and a serious think it would be a backup for nationals if I cannot get trials motor done...... A more sensible tyre size aswell had 900 on and off since 2004 and more balls he than they are worth. May sound mad but I really have an issue and can't be cutting up perfectly good spats to fit my tyres properly
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Hi guys, not a lot to report I am still mold making but on another note I am after air cleaners and triple choke ones are proving to be expensive, so do any of you chaps know of anything like these below or any other ideas, the ram pipes are 2" high. Annoying thing is that they are £250 in the uk but K&N's can be had for $210 in the states:confused:

these are a Porsche kit with rain covers I like them $210 over the pond £300 here

pipercross £250

and ITG

A couple of cone filters are much cheaper but then I have to make air boxes and I don't want to have to fab much more stuff for it
Can you not buy the foam and make a mesh frame with a solid metal base to fit? thats all they are essentially.
Can you not buy the foam and make a mesh frame with a solid metal base to fit? thats all they are essentially.

I am concerned about making filters, I need filters that work, as you know comping can be very dusty. Plus if I am going to start making things I would sooner make air boxes and use a Land Rover air filter box, We service a lot of TDV8 motors and the secondary turbo filters we remove always look brand new, so I could have an endless supply, but this would be quite a lot of work, a couple of composite air boxes would take many hours to make or are more costly than the expensive filters to buy.
I just want some bolt on filters, job done, then I can get on with other jobs.

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