I have moved the wheel arch forward in one wing which once finished I will take a mold off and I've started making a pattern for the rad cover which will also be composite.

Stunning OWL.

Looking forward to seeing it at the Nationals, touch wood you will be ready for then.

Its really starting to come together nicely.

BTW whhich club will you be flying the banner for?
Stunning OWL.

Looking forward to seeing it at the Nationals, touch wood you will be ready for then.

Its really starting to come together nicely.

BTW whhich club will you be flying the banner for?

Thanks for the comment. I'd love to be at the nationals but there is still a fair bit to do so we will see. Either way I will be there, if I spot SFF 135 I'll stop for a chat.
As for club I am in Peak and Dukeries.
Thanks for the comment. I'd love to be at the nationals but there is still a fair bit to do so we will see. Either way I will be there, if I spot SFF 135 I'll stop for a chat.
As for club I am in Peak and Dukeries.

I'm in CVLRC (and Yorksire !) as such I am hoping to help set out and run the RTV, never done that before, but am well up for helping as I have enjoyed many Nats as a competitor.

Used to help run Langley Farms with YLROC over the years though.
I'm in CVLRC (and Yorksire !) as such I am hoping to help set out and run the RTV, never done that before, but am well up for helping as I have enjoyed many Nats as a competitor.

Used to help run Langley Farms with YLROC over the years though.

I enjoy setting out, you can learn a lot plus I like laying out sections that look easy but have hidden traps.
yes thats the thing but I want cheaper, just a bellows will do I can make the fittings.
If I can't find cheap bellows I will have to go with hose.
What's wrong with venting to air? I wouls have thought bellows would add a risk of getting caught and leaking.
What's wrong with venting to air? I wouls have thought bellows would add a risk of getting caught and leaking.

I like simple. A pipe can snag and pull out plus with pipes you have to run them up the radius arm then up to a vent box and secure them.
I may end up putting pipes on but I do like the idea of totally sealed.
Hi guys, I've been doing some on the bodywork, working on the patterns to take molds off.
I have moved the wheel arch forward and reshaped it. It is mostly done with plywood, mdf, glassfiber and polyfiller. Pollyfiller is easy to sand and shape but next will be scimmed over with body filler.

The radiator cover is mdf apart from thr hump for the coolant res which is the multi usefull cornflakes packet and masking tape to get the basic shape, then fiberglassed on the inside to stiffen it up. Next I removed the masking tape and skimmed with bodyfiller.
now some shaping to get the hump looking right.

Question, how come your doing the molds of the inside rather than outside?
P.S... I'm very eagar to see the outcome! Might end up making a rear cover for mine
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These aren't molds they are patterns or plugs, I will take molds off them. It seems quite a lot of work but once I have molds if I need a new wing it will be a relatively quick/cheap job to make one.
I am going to make the wings with the same layup and materials as slalom kayaks. I have seen grp wings for sale for about £130 but they don't seem very strong plus if I break them it's another £130, I want to make something suitable for taking the cut through's and tight apex's through bushes on the comp course.
I might even be able to sell a few to recoup some cost.
makes perfect sense.
well, if you do sell some, let me know the dimensions :)
Are the tighter curves as pliable as the flat sections?
The dimensions are the same as 88" series one wings apart from the wheel arch which is different. As for pliable we will see what they perform like when used in anger.
whats the dimensions of the rear cover your making?

Oh I see, I will have a measure up tomorrow. The top layer of reinforcing will be red Diolen on the rear cover also the engine cover and dash it should look like this


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