
New Member
The damndest thing happend to my 90 today. I parked it on the drive, got out, slammed the door shut and the nearside alpine window fell out and smashed!!!!!

I thought of an expression that rhymes with Clucking Bell, opened the back door to retreive the dogs and the alpine window from the drivers side also fell out and smashed.

Looks like the rubber seals have perished and split (no surprise as the 90 is a 1992 200 TDi).

After a lot of colourful language and clearing up the whole mess I phoned the insurance company. Yep the alpines are covered. 75 quid excess. So I'm not too upset. I've filled the holes with plastic bags until the correct windows can be ordered and fitted.

Has this happened to anyone else or is this peculiar to Somerset?
My rear window did thatthe other day! (although i had just reversed into a tree the day before!)

You got a Holga Pics website - i love em (holga pics, not holga ics websites!) - you do it professionally?
the day i got mine my friend shut the door so hard as he thought it wouldnt shut that it cracked my rear window 140 pounds with 30% aa membership discount not happy
Re: Alpine Windows - Has this happened to anyone else?
My rear window did thatthe other day! (although i had just reversed into a tree the day before!)

You got a Holga Pics website - i love em (holga pics, not holga ics websites!) - you do it professionally?

I hope your rear window is fixed now. Damn draughty with glass missing ( and I thought it was bad with glass in place :) )

The Holga thing is more an interesting side line for me. I wrote a book called "The Death of Photography?" which is full of Holga Pics.

PM me and I'll send you a link to my work.
the day i got mine my friend shut the door so hard as he thought it wouldnt shut that it cracked my rear window 140 pounds with 30% aa membership discount not happy

Ouch! Trouble is that I too have got used to really slamming the doors on the 90 as they don't shut properly otherwise. I could get some new hinges and spend time setting the doors correctly to open and shut without a hitch.:rolleyes:

But I guess that would be too easy LOL!!!
Alpine windows, the window in the roof?

New to this stuff!

What they there for anyway? Pretty looks and lighting at a guess?
yeah thats them, the ones in the roof of a station wagon. :)

Dunno what they're for, extra light in the back I suppose. :confused2:
I crazed the rear window on my 2002 90CSW with a goodnight slam. I only noticed the following morning when I closed the drivers door and the pressure differential blew the glass out of the rear window. Hmm, I must have a watertight Landy, lol.

That lost us a day and a half of our touring holiday... :mad:
yeah thats them, the ones in the roof of a station wagon. :)

Dunno what they're for, extra light in the back I suppose. :confused2:

Alpine. The name would suggest they're for passengers in the back to look up at the mountains as you're driving along the bottom of a valley :D
I wasn't commenting on grammar and spelling.

I was commenting upon your extensive vocabulary....dictionary pants....

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