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Help . i need to do my brakes ,and i cant get my alloys off :eek: .. short of ****ting them with a big hammer how can i get them off . Thats the last time i use copper grease :D
Help . i need to do my brakes ,and i cant get my alloys off :eek: .. short of ****ting them with a big hammer how can i get them off . Thats the last time i use copper grease :D

If you've got a big bottle jack or an hilift. you can wedge it between the chassis an the wheel and then hit em with a big hammer and it'll pop easier with less chance of damaging the wheel.
put a lump of wood against the rim and lump **** out of it with the biggest hammer you can find
The fost Mrs GRUNT had an XR3 years ago and the ally wheels used to seize on on that, I made a special puller to get them off, yer could try heating the ally up with a paint stripping hot air gun, an before everyone sez DON'T DO THAT YOU'LL BURN THE PAINT OFF YER ALLOYS, take care not to burn the paint off yer alloys, the heat should expand the ally wheel more than the steel hub. Try assembly paste instead of copper slip.
yer could try heating the ally up with a paint stripping hot air gun, an before everyone sez DON'T DO THAT YOU'LL BURN THE PAINT OFF YER ALLOYS, take care not to burn the paint off yer alloys, the heat should expand the ally wheel more than the steel hub. Try assembly paste instead of copper slip.
Ah the chance to burn things ... now that im good at :D Will give that a try , cheers
Don't blame me if you shag yer paint up, an ally expands like bloody ellers so you shunt need much heat. Just thought, loads of boiling water might even do it, you wont loose out by trying...Cept a cup of tea peraps!
Don't blame me if you shag yer paint up, an ally expands like bloody ellers so you shunt need much heat. Just thought, loads of boiling water might even do it, you wont loose out by trying...Cept a cup of tea peraps!
All assistance accepted at my own risk :D
Wondered how long that would take :rolleyes: should have known you wouldn`t let me down buster:D Deepender fund is coming along nicely :cool:
HEHEHEHEHEE:D would've dun it earlier but ah'm just in, bin up in them thar hills;) Glad tae see ye're cummin' roon tae the dark side Stevie:D
had the same problem ,
stuck at the side of the road in the new forest, black as night, hole in tyre and wheel woulndnt shift, had it on the jack and jumped on the wheel, , the jack slipped, the motor went bang and the wheel freed itself, lucky i had left a couple of nuts loose,
just give it a ****ing the best you can, maybe try some wd40 it might help

good luck

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