
New Member
I just bought a 2003 Freelander 1 and with the ignition keys and fobs came another plastic key looking thing which has a small Allen key sticking out the end. It has Land Rover on the plastic but I have NO Idea what this is for... Can anyone cast any light on this please?


Dave Stevens.
Thank you for such a quick reply.. Unfortunately I don't have a handbook with the vehicle... But according to the Haynes manual (which only covers up to 2002 models), mine is a 2003 facelift Kalahari model, but the sun roof motor can be turned with a screwdriver, there does not appear to be anything for an Allen key, or is there another function for the Allen key?
It'll probably be used to insert into an Allen head screw, so that you could turn it!

Either that or it is part of the 'burn-me-please' gas valve ... ;) ;)
Ask those peeps in the Gaylander section, as long as its not their time of the month I believe they can be very helpful, but they don't venture out of there much:rolleyes:;););)

Is it like this? If so, it is for removing the rear hardtop to make it convertible so you can fit the soft top. Hope this helps:D. If not no idea sorry.
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is it the key to the black leffer arm rest with the curling tongs in?

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