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I was coming home from work tonight and whilst climbing a hill the old TD4 suddenly lost power:eek:. It reved freely but only just crawled to the top. Bugger I thought, back fuel pumps gone again (changed 2 years ago) Continued to drive at limited speed deciding it probarbly was a good idea to avoid the motorway (new improved with no hard shoulder!!). I went through the sceanario and remembered when the fuel pump went it not only had no power but wouldn't rev above 2500rpm. It drove with the same power it has in its "flat spot" below 1800 rpm. To test this I pushed in the clutch and reved freely to red line? I called at the post box. When I got back in it started an ran normally for the rest of the journey:confused:

Anybody got any ideas?

Forgot to mention - no smoke from exhaust!
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i had a similar issue a few years back with my old spitfire would rev ok but under load (driving) would crawl and splutter that was 2 new dodgey condensers in the dizzycap- not sure if theres anything that does the same job on a desiel but id guess not,

maybe airflow meter causing a bad mix?
Update- Just taken it out for a run. Given it a good thrashing and it didn't miss a beat. Checked pipes - no splits, checked turbo breather pipe - clear. No lights on dash at any point. If I take it to a garage will diagnostics show any faults that are not current?
prob not worth the expense to find out until stutters again, at least this time ull know to take note of sensors and lights etc..

I was coming home from work tonight and whilst climbing a hill the old TD4 suddenly lost power:eek:. It reved freely but only just crawled to the top. Bugger I thought, back fuel pumps gone again (changed 2 years ago) Continued to drive at limited speed deciding it probarbly was a good idea to avoid the motorway (new improved with no hard shoulder!!). I went through the sceanario and remembered when the fuel pump went it not only had no power but wouldn't rev above 2500rpm. It drove with the same power it has in its "flat spot" below 1800 rpm. To test this I pushed in the clutch and reved freely to red line? I called at the post box. When I got back in it started an ran normally for the rest of the journey:confused:

Anybody got any ideas?

Forgot to mention - no smoke from exhaust!

This happened once to me a few months ago. Car felt like it was going to stall. I didn't have any lights in the dash though. Managed to get it home. It's been fine ever since.
Most prob some water in a connector/plug somewhere causing the signal to break down under load.
Well, I drove to work and back today, 44 mile round trip, and not a splutter or cough. I suppose i'll just keep an eye on it.
Mine had exactly the same symptoms, it was water getting in the turbo vent filter. I routed the pipes so they were higher up and put a fresh filter on, I thought I might have to change the solenoid but it was fine it spluttered a couple more times and has been fine since.
It happened again this morning:eek:. I stopped the car, turned it off and re-started it. It was fine the rest of the day. Could the turbo solenoid be sticking? or is it more likely to be electrical?
did you get it sorted?
fuel pump just letting you know its getting tired ,it could do this off and on for several years
Buy yourself a code reader (£20 cheapie will do). Although you might not have a fault code stored, it's a tool well worth having when living with tempremental cars.

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