Just out of interest, how many miles are people getting to before problems? Mine's a '95 and I've not noticed anything yet.

Just out of interest, how many miles are people getting to before problems? Mine's a '95 and I've not noticed anything yet.


It's not the mileage IMO, it's the number of times and how hard you use the brakes and age. Look at the rangerovers.net site for more info.:)
I'm on 165K with a 97 plate, "clicking" started about 500 miles ago I guess. Previous owner didnt look after the beast very well which might be a factor to consider I imagine
Here is some photo's from when i did mine to give you an idea of what to expect if you decide to pull yours apart :D





Now this light blue ring with a split in it,had to be replaced after the first rebuild as it was preventing the pedal returning smoothly :mad:
I swapped it for one off a spare unit i had,and it was fine after that.:confused:





The plastic washers at each end is the items you want to replace.






Now this original plastic washer broke in my hands as i removed it,thats how fragile it had become :eek:

And this was how i pushed the new metal washer on with a socket and a clamp,yes i just used all i had to hand that day !

Hope this might help someone.
Hi Andy, this is great stuff and some food for thought while I wait for the kit to arrive. Thank you for sharing the info. I too will keep a photo record of my refurb just in case anything of interest outside of the instructions comes up.

My advice would be to photo and measure each step you do,it sure helped me.
In photo 2 you see i dabbed yellow paint,that was if i remember rightly what controls your pedal free play/distance travel.Not to be adjusted just because of spongey brakes,thats air still in system.
I had to bleed mine twice for a perfect feel,and it still is now:D
Its not as bad a job as i thought it would be :)
Thanks Andy, just had an email from Aus, kit is shipped so no turning back now:decision:. Have completely cleaned up the modulator casing, reservoir hasnt come up very well though ... any thoughts on how to do get a complete clean through on all the internal chambers??
Thanks, I was thinking of soaking in something ... soap and water doesnt seem to shift it ... rather than shot blasting a plastic tank!!
Have you got a dishwater? Stick it on the hottest longest programme and use double the amount of detergent. blow out with an air line to dry it.

Then run a cleaner through the washer afterwards as brake fluid is poisonous.
Thanks, I was thinking of soaking in something ... soap and water doesnt seem to shift it ... rather than shot blasting a plastic tank!!

You wouldn't shot blast plastic as its steel shot, you Obviously don't know that there are different types of media for all types of metal ,plastics and fibreglass ...
hi Def.... I guessed there are different media but it not the outside surface so much as the internal chambers that you can barely see into that Im keen to clean, particularly the final one with a fine filter in ... not sure that would standup to any sort of media being forced at it and hence why my question about soaking. Thanks for your feedback though. M
hi Def.... I guessed there are different media but it not the outside surface so much as the internal chambers that you can barely see into that Im keen to clean, particularly the final one with a fine filter in ... not sure that would standup to any sort of media being forced at it and hence why my question about soaking. Thanks for your feedback though. M

Those internals can be cleaned with a vacuum jet water blaster thus cleaning and removing any deposits, at the right pressure as to not damage any internal surface the water and air
Combined with the correct ,type, amount of media gently pushes itself thought its maze.and can be washed through out after wards :)

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